Castle Quotes

Best Castle Tv Show Quotes


Castle   image

Directed by: Andrew W. Marlowe
Written by: Gregory Poirier
Creator: Andrew W. Marlowe
Starring: Nathan Fillion, Stana Katic, Susan Sullivan
Released on: 2009
Taglines: She's armed, he's dangerous.

Castle Quotes

Believe me, Beckett has plenty of experience taking a bullet for other people doing stupid things. Hell, she's married to me. image

Believe me, Beckett has plenty of experience taking a bullet for other people doing stupid things. Hell, she's married to me.

Kate Beckett: Castle! image

Kate Beckett: Castle!

Richard Castle: Do you have anything to wear that's non-flammable? image

Richard Castle: Do you have anything to wear that's non-flammable?

A dead man from the Carter administration *entombed* in cement. I am intrigued. image

A dead man from the Carter administration *entombed* in cement. I am intrigued.

Javier Esposito: Dude, I see Beckett in her jammies... wine glasses on the table...
Richard Castle: There's nothing going on with Beckett and me. No more than there was yesterday.
Kevin Ryan: Dude, you made her pancakes?
Richard Castle: It's just breakfast!
Javier Esposito: Pancakes is not just breakfast. It's an edible way of saying, "Thank you so much for last night."
Kevin Ryan: Castle, come on. We're your friends. Details.
Richard Castle: All right, come here.
Richard Castle: There are no details!
Javier Esposito: I can't even look at you right now.
Kevin Ryan: [writing on his notepad] Witness refuses to cooperate.

[glances at the bathrobe, it's on fire too] image

[glances at the bathrobe, it's on fire too]

[automatically starts to turn towards her] image

[automatically starts to turn towards her]

Richard Castle: [turns away quickly] Sorry. image

Richard Castle: [turns away quickly] Sorry.

Martha Rodgers: Ah! Hello, darlings. Oh. What's all this?
Alexis Castle: Dad's teaching me the basics of No Limit Texas Hold 'Em.
Martha Rodgers: I'm shocked. *Shocked* there's gambling in here... Deal me in.

Kevin Ryan: "Cowards die many times before their death. The valiant never taste of death but once."
Javier Esposito: Bro, you're not Castle.
Kevin Ryan: Yeah, I know I'm not Castle.
Javier Esposito: Then stop trying to talk like him.
Kevin Ryan: What? I'm not allowed to reference the Bard? I'm a renaissance man.
Javier Esposito: Memorizing one quote does not make you a renaissance man.
Kevin Ryan: What if I memorize two?
Javier Esposito: Have you? memorized two?
Kevin Ryan: No. But what if I did?
Javier Esposito: Depends on the quote.

Life is a journey. And there is no predicting the outcome. The only thing you can control are your choices. And they'll... they'll define who you are. image

Life is a journey. And there is no predicting the outcome. The only thing you can control are your choices. And they'll... they'll define who you are.

Stay with me, Kate. Don't leave me, please. Stay with me, okay? Kate... I love you. I love you, Kate. image

Stay with me, Kate. Don't leave me, please. Stay with me, okay? Kate... I love you. I love you, Kate.

Kate Beckett: Espo, what are we doing back here?
Javier Esposito: I want to show you something.
Kate Beckett: What is that?
Javier Esposito: The rifle, that shot you.
Kate Beckett: You are way out of line.
Javier Esposito: Just look at it.
Kate Beckett: What the hell are you doing?
Javier Esposito: I've been where you are, I know what you're going through.
Kate Beckett: Javi, I'm fine.
Javier Esposito: You're not fine. You're just trying to act like you are. This is just a tool... It's a hunk of steel. It has no magical powers, and the person that fired it is not some all-powerful God. Just a guy with a gun. Just like the guy we're hunting now. And like every other bad guy, he's damaged goods.
Kate Beckett: So am I.
Javier Esposito: That's right. And that's okay. You think it's a weakness? Make it a strength. It's a part of you... So use it.

Kate Beckett: So we have reason to suspect that our killer was wearing your perfume.
Kay Cappuccio: Well, that's impossible. It wasn't even out yet. I'm the only person who had it.
Kevin Ryan: Does she realize she just incriminated herself?
Javier Esposito: I said she was nice. Didn't say anything about smart.

Oh, Darling, I invited Beckett to the reading tomorrow night. So you two might want to make a date of it. image

Oh, Darling, I invited Beckett to the reading tomorrow night. So you two might want to make a date of it.

Kevin Ryan: We're putting up the tree the other day, Jenny says to me, "It just doesn't feel like Christmas without kids." She wants to try. But I come to work, I watch the news, every day... it seems like the world's falling apart. How am I supposed to bring a kid into that?
Javier Esposito: The world's always falling apart, bro. Since the beginning of time. But having kids, making a family, that's what keeps it together.

Boy, I wish I'd had these reality shows in my day. No script, overacting, screaming at everybody. What a gig. image

Boy, I wish I'd had these reality shows in my day. No script, overacting, screaming at everybody. What a gig.

Kevin Ryan: She was like the dog whisperer for CEO's.
Javier Esposito: You really buy that.
Kevin Ryan: Oh, yeah, skimmed through her book. I think there might be something to her theory. For instance, she said that in every relationship, there needs to be a masculine energy and a feminine energy. Even in ours.
Javier Esposito: Oh. Well, we know which one you are.
Kevin Ryan: I don't know about you, but I'm very comfortable in my masculinity.
Javier Esposito: You do realize you're wearing a sweater vest, right?

Kate Beckett: This... is... heaven. This is absolute heaven.
Richard Castle: Yeah, you mean spending the day with your future husband?
Kate Beckett: No, no, not that.
Richard Castle: Not that?
Kate Beckett: No, no, no, I mean, not only that. It's 2:00. I'm in my PJs. We're reading the newspapers. I never get to do this.
Richard Castle: Because you never take any time off.
Kate Beckett: All we have to do is loaf around. There's no work. No goals other than to waste hours on end.
Richard Castle: Okay, stop describing my life.

No, I don't want a divorce. I want my wife back. image

No, I don't want a divorce. I want my wife back.

Kevin Ryan: What just happened?
Javier Esposito: Castle just stole our murder suspect... and our car.
Kevin Ryan, Javier Esposito: What are you laughing at?

The victim and the killer were having an affair? Why is my voice so high? image

The victim and the killer were having an affair? Why is my voice so high?

Martha Rodgers: Okay, ladies, I have decided that I should change my autograph. So... what do you think?
Alexis Castle: Gram, that looks exactly like your usual autograph.
Martha Rodgers: No. No, no, no, no. My usual autograph when I am merely an actress is like this. Sort of carefree and- and whimsical...
Martha Rodgers: ...Whereas the other conveys insight, wisdom. They're completely different. Can't you see that?
Hayley Shipton: Insight.
Alexis Castle: Wisdom.
Alexis Castle: Absolutely. Good job.
Hayley Shipton: Sure. Look at that.
Hayley Shipton: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a business to run. Especially since you-know-who is completely useless.
Richard Castle: I heard that. And if I'm so useless, why would Beckett ask me to consult on a murder? Oh, Mother, new autograph.
Martha Rodgers: Yeah.
Richard Castle: Nice. Conveys wisdom, insight. I like it.

Kate Beckett: Richard Castle, you are under arrest for felony theft and obstruction of justice.
Richard Castle: You forgot making you look bad.
Kate Beckett: You know, for a minute there, you actually made me believe that you were human. Cuff him.
Richard Castle: Ooh. Bondage. My safe word is "apples."
Kate Beckett: Oh, there's no need to be gentle.
Richard Castle: How'd you find me, anyway?
Kate Beckett: I'm a detective. That's what I do.
Richard Castle: My mother told you, didn't she?

Lanie Parish: But what I thought you might find really interesting is the fact that she had sex within the hours before her death.
Kate Beckett: Sex?
Richard Castle: I'll explain how that works later.
Lanie Parish: Might have even been within a few minutes of the murder. The heat from the dryer makes it hard to pinpoint.
Kate Beckett: So you're saying she was raped?
Lanie Parish: Hard to determine. There were no vaginal lacerations or the presence of any semen.
Kate Beckett: So what's the evidence of sex?
Lanie Parish: Traces of spermicide.
Lanie Parish: The guy wore a condom.
Richard Castle: Boy, it really has been a long time for you, hasn't it?

Richard Castle: Reading the paper? You are gonna lose all of your wired-teen-hyper-texting-nano-gizmo street cred.
Alexis Castle: I'm a rebel. I kick it old school.
Richard Castle: Is this...
Alexis Castle: Cream, two sugars.
Richard Castle: Thanks. Style section. Anything I need to know?
Alexis Castle: The '70s are back.
Richard Castle: Hmm. They're like the Highlander, they just won't die.
Richard Castle: Morning, Mother. You're dressed early.
Martha Rodgers: Ah! I have class.
Richard Castle: I believe that's a matter of some debate.
Martha Rodgers: At the New School, funny man. Look, it's-it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, but a girl has to stand on her own two feet.
Richard Castle: What's the class?
Alexis Castle: "Introduction To Life Coaching". It's-It's always been my desire to make a difference, whether on stage or off. And, I'... have had cards made.
Richard Castle: That's my I... you've... It says here, I'm your client.
Martha Rodgers: Well, of course you are. Haven't I been telling you what to do your whole life?
Alexis Castle: Oh, uh, Dad, Julie Schmidt's father's back in rehab, so a spot opened to chaperone the D.C. trip.
Richard Castle: Where is the... How did you know Julie's dad was back in rehab?
Alexis Castle: Must be a wired-teen-hyper-nano thing. So what do you say?
Richard Castle: Sorry, kiddo, but, uh, with you away, my chaperoning needs reside here. Or are you forgetting what happened the last time we left her alone?
Alexis Castle: So she... had a little party.
Richard Castle: There were lime shards embedded in the walls.
Martha Rodgers: It was Cinco de Mayo.
Alexis Castle: Exactly.
Richard Castle: I hear dead people.
Richard Castle: Who was murdered, and was it gruesome?

Kate Beckett: Don't you have a book coming out today or something?
Richard Castle: Yeah. So?
Kate Beckett: So, you are watching me do paperwork. It's creepy.

Richard Castle: All right. So you and I are married.
Kate Beckett: We are not married.
Richard Castle: Relax. It's just pretend.
Kate Beckett: I don't wanna pretend.
Richard Castle: Scared you'll like it?
Kate Beckett: Okay. If we're married, I want a divorce.
Roger: Are you two like this all the time?
Richard Castle, Kate Beckett: Yes.
Richard Castle: All right. We're not married, but they were.

Richard Castle: I had sex with my ex-wife this morning. My first ex-wife, Meredith, Alexis' mom. And, she's thinking about moving back to New York. Do you know what that would mean, to me? That would be a very special brand of hell. The hell of a deep-fried Twinkie.
Kevin Ryan: A deep-fried Twinkie?
Richard Castle: Yeah. The guilty pleasure that you know is bad for you, so you only do it once, maybe twice a year for the novelty. But a deep-fried Twinkie every day is...
Kate Beckett: Castle!

Martha Rodgers: I don't know why you won't tell me where the party is?
Richard Castle: Because you'll show up.

Richard Castle: Whoa, whoa. Someone say "murder"? Hold on! I'll get my coat.
Javier Esposito: Look at him, all excited.
Kate Beckett: Yeah, like a kid at Christmas.
Kevin Ryan: With a dead body under the tree.

Will Sorenson: He's quite a guy. If he only knew how big a fan you really are.
Kate Beckett: Yeah, well, he's not going to know.
Will Sorenson: You never told him how you stood in line for an hour just to get your book signed? How his novels got you through your mother's death?

Martha Rodgers: And you know, nothing you can say will change how we feel. What men don't understand is, the right clothes, the right shoes, the right makeup, just... It hides the flaws we think we have. They make us look beautiful to ourselves. That's what makes us look beautiful to others.
Richard Castle: Used to be... all she needed to feel beautiful was a pink tutu and a plastic tiara.
Martha Rodgers: We spend our whole lives trying to feel that way again.

Javier Esposito: Hey, Beckett, how come you don't wear a uniform like that?
Kate Beckett: Because I don't wanna get paid in singles.

Lanie Parish: Multiple GSWs. Entries look fairly small-caliber, probably a .22.
Kate Beckett: "Psycho The Rapist"? "Your out of time"?
Lanie Parish: Looks like a patient lost their patience.
Richard Castle: Also his command of grammar. "Your" should be U-apostrophe-R-E, as in "you are". That's not even a tough one, not like when to use "who" or "whom.
Kate Beckett: Do you really think *that's* the take-away here, Castle?
Richard Castle: I'm just saying whoever killed her also murdered the English language.

Javier Esposito: Hey, by the way, our buddy Will has a girlfriend we might want to talk to. There's, uh, some photos of her right here in the back.
Kevin Ryan: Look at naked pictures? If you insist.
Kate Beckett: Castle, check this out.
Richard Castle: Look at naked pictures? If you insist.

Kate Beckett: I hate this case.
Richard Castle: I know! Isn't it great?

Richard Castle: Thank you.
Kate Beckett: For what?
Richard Castle: For using "irony" correctly. Ever since that Alanis Morissette song, people use it when they actually mean "coincidence". It drives me nuts.

Alexis Castle: Hey.
Richard Castle: Hey.
Richard Castle: I was... I was just... trying on my... Halloween costume.
Alexis Castle: What exactly are you supposed to be?
Richard Castle: Space cowboy.
Alexis Castle: Okay. A, there are no cows in space. B, didn't you wear that, like, five years ago?
Richard Castle: So?
Alexis Castle: So, don't you think you should move on?
Richard Castle: I like it.

Richard Castle: What?
Kate Beckett: Nothing.
Kate Beckett: It's just, I'm so used to you acting like a 12-year-old all the time, it's kind of refreshing to see you as a father.
Richard Castle: It makes you want me, right?
Kate Beckett: And there's the 12-year-old again.

Richard Castle: Let me borrow your magnifying glass.
Kate Beckett: I don't have a magnifying glass.
Richard Castle: Isn't that standard issue for detectives?
Kate Beckett: No. Not since Sherlock Holmes.

Kate Beckett: Call that number and tell him to bring one of his girls over.
Richard Castle: And tell her to wear something sexy.
Kate Beckett: No reason we can't enjoy this interview.

Dude, you are so busted.

Richard Castle: I'm telling you, ice bullet.
Javier Esposito: Nah, bro. An ice bullet would still make a bullet hole.
Kevin Ryan: You mean, ice hole.
Richard Castle: What'd you just call me?

Richard Castle: Hello, Sheila.
Sheila Blaine: Richard... Figures you'd be at the heart of this mess.
Richard Castle: Detective Beckett, this is Sheila Blaine, mother of the bride. So, I guess I didn't end up homeless or teaching at a third-rate college in New Hampshire after all.
Sheila Blaine: There's still time.
Richard Castle: I've missed our special talks. Sheila didn't approve of struggling artists. You must like Greg, though. He's from money, right?
Sheila Blaine: It was never about the money, Richard. It was about character. And you would know that... if you had any.
Kate Beckett: Wow! Just imagine, if things had worked out, you'd be spending Thanksgivings with her.

Kate Beckett: And if you tell anyone what I'm about to say, there's gonna be another shooting, but... I've gotten used to you pulling my pigtails... I have a hard job, Castle, and having you around makes it... a little more fun.
Richard Castle: Your secret's safe with me.

Alexis Castle: What's all the excitement about?
Richard Castle: Only 'The New York Ledger's annual 10 Most Eligible Bachelors list, and guess who's on it?
Alexis Castle: Who?
Richard Castle: I don't know, but he must be the president of the Really-Good-Looking club.
Martha Rodgers: [picking up the paper] Huh! Ranked number nine. Weren't you number seven last year?
Richard Castle: Yes, and thank you for pointing out my shortcomings once again, Mother.

That was Joe freaking Torre! I gotta call my dad.

Remember, my safe word is

Remember, my safe word is "apples."

Richard Castle: Kate!
Richard Castle: You're alive! Oh... and you're naked.
Kate Beckett: Castle, turn around!
Richard Castle: You know, your apartment *is* on fire, now might not be the best time for modesty.
Kate Beckett: Castle, hand me a towel!
Richard Castle: The towels are on fire.
Kate Beckett: Well, what about the bathrobe?
Richard Castle: The...

Kate Beckett: Any idea who he is?
Kevin Ryan: Do you wannna?
Javier Esposito: No, bro, you caught it.
Kevin Ryan: You sure?
Javier Esposito: Yeah, it's yours, go ahead.
Kate Beckett: You know, whenever you guys are done being cute.

Janine Marks: He was banging my daughter right under my nose? I will kill him!
Richard Castle: He's already dead.
Janine Marks: Well, I will kill him again! I don't care! Where's the corpse?

Madison Queller: Okay. Next time I'm hitting on a guy you like, come clean with me before I go out with him so you don't have to arrest me to break up the date.
Kate Beckett: Madison, that's not...
Madison Queller: No, no, no, no, no. I get it. You're hot for Castle. You wanna make little Castle babies. Why couldn't you just be honest.
Kate Beckett: Maddy.
Madison Queller: What?
Kate Beckett: He can hear us.

Alexis Castle: I do have one note, though. This new character, the, uh, Robbery detective?
Richard Castle: Schlemming. What about him?
Alexis Castle: Well, he seems like he kinda... came up out of nowhere.
Richard Castle: Yeah, well, I can't argue with that.
Alexis Castle: He's coming off a bit like a doofus.
Richard Castle: You think?
Alexis Castle: I think you should lose him.
Richard Castle: If only it was this easy.

Kate Beckett: Oh, yeah, and your ex-wife called. She said that you've been avoiding her because you're *late* delivering your manuscript of... "Naked Heat".
Kate Beckett: That's a catchy title. When were you gonna tell me?
Richard Castle: Well, I was waiting for the perfect time. It just never... happened.
Kate Beckett: She's naked on the cover again, isn't she?
Richard Castle: Kind of, yeah.
Kate Beckett: That's great. No one's gonna make fun of me.

Richard Castle: So you, being the expert veteran of dozens of crime scenes, decided to pick up the murder weapon, to what? Ensure that we had your prints?
Richard Castle: Maybe you missed the part where I said she was shot dead. When I heard the noises coming from the next room, I thought whoever killed her was coming back. So I picked up the gun to defend myself. It seemed like a very good idea at the time. That's when you, Esposito, and Annie Oakley come bursting through the door.
Captain Roy Montgomery: Annie Oakley?
Kevin Ryan: I kind of almost shot... Castle.
Kevin Ryan: What? He had a gun.

Richard Castle: Oh, before I forget... what did Penny say about Alexander?
Kate Beckett: Oh, nothing. Just some silly stuff that didn't make any sense... Why?
Richard Castle: Because my middle name is Alexander.
Kate Beckett: I thought your middle name was Edgar?
Richard Castle: Been perusing the personal section of the Richard Castle website again, have we? No, I changed my middle name to Edgar, for Edgar Allen Poe, back when I changed my last name to Castle. My given name is Richard Alexander Rogers.

Kevin Ryan: You know, if this were a horror movie, we'd be the first ones killed, splitting off like this.
Javier Esposito: Yeah, except we're not a couple of top-heavy co-eds out looking for fun. We're highly-trained officers of the law with enough firepower to take out a horde of undead.
Kevin Ryan: Hispanic and cocky. Yeah, you'd definitely die first.
Richard Castle: You know, if this was a horror movie...
Kate Beckett: Castle... focus.

Kate Beckett: You know, I just don't get how someone could shoot Goldstein, steal his clothes, and then not hang onto his wallet. Just doesn't make any sense.
Richard Castle: Yeah.
Kate Beckett: Maybe giant moths killed him and then ate his clothes.
Richard Castle: Could be.
Kate Beckett: [bringing him back to Earth] Hey. Castle... if this case is boring for you, you don't have to stay.
Richard Castle: No, I'm just checking my e-mail, my texts, see if Alexis called. I can't believe she told my mother she's in love and is holding out on me.
Kate Beckett: Oh...
Richard Castle: I'm gonna call her.
Kate Beckett: No, no. You have to let her tell you in her own time when she's ready.
Richard Castle: I'm the cool dad. Why can't she be ready?
Kate Beckett: Wait. Listen to me. My dad tried to do the same thing when I was her age and I ended up dating a grunge rocker who smelled like wet flannel and clove cigarettes, for seven *months*. You do not mess with a teenage girl and her hormones.
Richard Castle: You're right. I won't call her.
Richard Castle: Did you say something about a giant moth?
Kate Beckett: No.

Don't we usually get to the victim before the funeral?

Roy Montgomery: The feds say he's a white male, twenty-five to forty-five years old...
Richard Castle: Could be me.
Roy Montgomery: ...with a dysfunctional relationship with his mother.
Richard Castle: Still me.
Roy Montgomery: He has a menial, unimportant job.
Kate Beckett: Definitely you.
Richard Castle: Just for that, I base my next book on Esposito.

Do you have any brochures? I'm looking for a place... Mine blew up.

Richard Castle: When Alexis was four, we went Christmas shopping at some mall in White Plains. I was trying on some... charcoal fedora. I turn around, she is gone. Vanished. I looked... everywhere. So did mall security, so did the police. We searched for an hour... You don't have to be a... novelist to think of all the worst-case scenarios.
Kate Beckett: Where'd you find her?
Richard Castle: Behind a... rack of winter coats. She got bored. She crawled underneath there and went to sleep.
Richard Castle: To this day, I still dream about that.

Kate Beckett: NYPD! Stay where you are.
Richard Castle: That's a vacuum packer at one o'clock.
Kate Beckett: Looks like we've found our murder weapon.
Kate Beckett: Have you seen this man?
Richard Castle: My partner is crazy and may start firing at any moment.
Kate Beckett: Go! Go!
Kate Beckett: Semester abroad?
Richard Castle: Nah, TV show I used to love.
Kate Beckett: Ehn, nice job.
Richard Castle: Thanks.

Kate Beckett: Okay, Magoo, let's see that bottle.
Jeffrey McGuigan: Seriously? You're just gonna walk into my crib and start bossing me around?
Richard Castle: Well, I don't see it here. You didn't happen to... break the bottle over... something?
Jeffrey McGuigan: Hey, what is this about? You know, I may have dropped out of Cornell when my company went *public*, but I still know my rights.
Kate Beckett: That bottle that you purchased might have been used to commit murder. So unless you wanna learn your Miranda rights, you better quit stalling and show us where it is.
Jeffrey McGuigan: Yeah, okay, cool. I'm not stalling.
Kate Beckett: Great.
Jeffrey McGuigan: Yeah.
Richard Castle: You were throwing it out?
Jeffrey McGuigan: It's in the blue bucket. I recycle.
Kate Beckett: Well, it's still *intact*... Unless a sliver of glass came out when it hit.
Jeffrey McGuigan: Man, nobody hit anybody.
Richard Castle: Yes, well, keep mixing root beer with fine Scotch, that may change.

Kate Beckett: Okay, Magoo, let's see that bottle.
Jeffrey McGuigan: Seriously? You're just gonna walk into my crib and start bossing me around?
Richard Castle: Well, I don't see it here. You didn't happen to... break the bottle over... something?
Jeffrey McGuigan: Hey, what is this about? You know, I may have dropped out of Cornell when my company went *public*, but I still know my rights.
Kate Beckett: That bottle that you purchased might have been used to commit murder. So unless you wanna learn your Miranda rights, you better quit stalling and show us where it is.
Jeffrey McGuigan: Yeah, okay, cool. I'm not stalling.
Kate Beckett: Great.
Jeffrey McGuigan: Yeah.
Richard Castle: You were throwing it out?
Jeffrey McGuigan: It's in the blue bucket. I recycle.
Kate Beckett: Well, it's still *intact*... Unless a sliver of glass came out when it hit.
Jeffrey McGuigan: Man, nobody hit anybody.
Richard Castle: Yes, well, keep mixing root beer with fine Scotch, that may change.

Javier Esposito: What are you guys doing?
Kevin Ryan: Hiding from creepy Beckett.

Javier Esposito: What are you guys doing?
Kevin Ryan: Hiding from creepy Beckett.

Kate Beckett: Look, I signed up for this when I put that badge on. You didn't. It's not your fight.
Richard Castle: The hell it isn't. I don't hang around you just to annoy you. I don't ride out to murder scenes in the middle of the night to satisfy some morbid curiosity. If that's all this was, I-I would've quit a long time ago.
Kate Beckett: Well, then, why do you keep coming back, Rick?
Kate Beckett: Look, I may not have a badge... unless you count the chocolate one Alexis gave me for my birthday... But I'll tell you this, like it or not, I'm your plucky sidekick.
Kate Beckett: Plucky sidekick always gets killed.
Richard Castle: Partner, then.

Javier Esposito: It's a winning ticket. Hard to believe a little slip of paper's worth over a hundred mil.
Richard Castle: What would you do if you won that kind of money?
Javier Esposito: Easy. Buy a Ferrari.
Richard Castle: I have one. Not as great as you would think.
Javier Esposito: Yeah, but they're hella fast.
Richard Castle: Well, as fast as every other car in rush hour traffic.

Richard Castle: I was hoping you'd still be here.
Kate Beckett: I was just about to call you.
Richard Castle, Kate Beckett: I think I know who the killer is.

You haven't heard of the Serenity?

Kate Beckett: [locked in a freezing storage container] I always thought, being a cop, I'd take a bullet. I never thought I'd freeze to death.
Richard Castle: Hey, we're not dead yet.
Kate Beckett: I just wish this was one of your books and you could re-write the ending.

Javier Esposito: Victim's name is Sarah Cutler. Looks like she was killed last night and stuffed into a closet on set.
Kate Beckett: Was she a part of the production?
Javier Esposito: Yeah.
Richard Castle: Let me guess, the diva actress that everyone hated?
Javier Esposito: Actually, Castle, she was a writer.
Richard Castle: A writer? Why would anyone want to kill a writer?
Kate Beckett: Oh, so many reasons.

Richard Castle: What happened?
Martha Rodgers: Alexis decided to crash Lauren's party, against our better judgment.
Richard Castle: And I take it that the, uh, party crashing didn't go so well?
Alexis Castle: None of this would have happened if Lauren wasn't the most conniving bitch in the entire world.
Richard Castle: Whoa!
Martha Rodgers: [waving it off] It's warranted.
Alexis Castle: When the band was performing, Lauren brought Ashley up on stage with her, and she kissed him. In front of everyone!
Richard Castle: Bitch!

I finally know what Obi-Wan Kenobi felt like when Darth Vader turned on him.

Kate Beckett: You're probably surprised to see me back here. I bet most cops never come back after they pass their psych eval.
Dr. Carter Burke: Everyone's different.
Kate Beckett: Yeah.
Dr. Carter Burke: What's on your mind?
Kate Beckett: I don't even know where to start.
Dr. Carter Burke: Well, why don't we start with the shooting? Is any of it coming back to you?
Kate Beckett: I lied... before.
Dr. Carter Burke: What do you remember?
Kate Beckett: I remember everything.

Richard Castle: Paul is the writer. Lone Vengeance is the subject. That's their relationship. It's you and me, all over again. But I'm Paul, and you're Lone Vengeance.
Kate Beckett: Really, Castle? Is that how you see me, like a sword-wielding killer?
Richard Castle: Depends. Will you be scantily clad?
Kate Beckett: In your dreams.

Alexis Castle: How do you do it, Dad?
Richard Castle: Do what?
Alexis Castle: Well, that letter that you have framed in your office.
Richard Castle: My first manuscript rejection.
Alexis Castle: Yeah. How can you stand having it there?
Richard Castle: Because it drives me. And I got twenty more of those before Black Pawn ever agreed to publish "In a Hail of Bullets". That letter... that letter reminds me of what I've overcome. Rejection isn't failure.
Alexis Castle: It sure feels like failure.
Richard Castle: No, failure is giving up. Everybody gets rejected. It's how you handle it that determines where you'll end up.
Alexis Castle: My whole life has been about making sure I could get into any college I wanted. What's it about now?
Richard Castle: Give it time. You'll figure it out.

Kevin Ryan: When I started in Narcotics, I was so green. I-I didn't know how things got done. One day, there's this major bust; street gang cooking meth. They're stacking up guys in the bullpen, taking their statements one by one. The place is a zoo. I'm answering phones in the squad. Girl on the line, name of Alisha, asking for my lieutenant. So I call out across the bullpen, "Hey, lieu, Alisha's on the phone for you."
Kevin Ryan: It was her tip that got these guys nailed, and all of them just heard me call out her name. Searched all day and all night, looking for her before the gang could get word back to the street that she was a narc.
Kate Beckett: Well, did you find her?
Kevin Ryan: I did. Got her into witness protection, but... that was the stupidest thing I'd ever done as a cop. Until the day Jerry Tyson got the drop on me and stole my weapon.

Somebody stole the "Fist of Capitalism"? Anybody check up the ass of socialism?

Richard Castle: Listen, if you're not scared... just say it?
Kate Beckett: No.
Richard Castle: Come on. You know you want to.
Kate Beckett: I don't wanna say it, Castle.
Richard Castle: For me. Please?
Kate Beckett: I ain't afraid of no ghosts.

Trapper John: Where's my bus?
Kate Beckett: The bus is on its way. It'll be there in twenty minutes.
Trapper John: The hostages will be dead in two.
Kate Beckett: No, nobody needs to die. Okay? It's coming. It's just, it's stuck in traffic.
Trapper John: We have *rules*, Kate. I said I wouldn't kill anyone. You said you'd get me a bus. I lived up to my end of the deal.
Kate Beckett: And I'm gonna live up to mine in just...
Trapper John: I warned you not to jerk me around. Now, I was clear about the consequences. Do I have to prove how serious I am? Is that it?
Kate Beckett: Okay, I-I think we both just need to take a deep breath and we can talk about...
Trapper John: I'm done talking!
Kate Beckett: What was that?
Trapper John: A warning shot, Kate. The next one's for the kill!
Martha Rodgers: Don't you touch him, you son-of-a-bitch!
Richard Castle: No, no! Davenport, hold her back! I got this.
Trapper John: [cocking his gun] I'm gonna make pretty red stains out of your boyfriend, Kate. I got my gun to his throat, and I'm gonna paint a Jackson Pollock with his insides!
Captain Peterson: You need to calm him down.
Kate Beckett: Listen to me, jackass, I do not control traffic. So you're gonna have to give me 20 minutes.
Trapper John: Now you've got one minute, Kate.
Kate Beckett: No! I've got 20. Do you hear me? Twenty. Because if you pull that trigger, I will walk through those doors and personally put a bullet through you skull.
Trapper John: Okay, Kate, you got 20 more minutes.
Captain Peterson: Well, that's one way to negotiate.

Javier Esposito: Maybe Castle's right. I mean, since we're going to be there, we might as well consider the Sapphire as a *potential* bachelor party venue.
Richard Castle: I'm so happy you said that, because there are a number of establishments down there that cater to bachelor party events. I think maybe we should take a little sampling.
Kevin Ryan: No, no, no. We are not sampling any clubs.
Javier Esposito: What? Come on, bro. Why are you stalling us on this?
Kevin Ryan: Look Javier, I...
Kevin Ryan: I got some bad news.
Kevin Ryan: I had to ask Jenny's half-brother, Nelson, to be my best man.
Javier Esposito: Nelson?... That guy I met at your birthday party? 16, with braces? Couldn't stop talking about being a mathlete?
Kevin Ryan: It was a family thing. I-I didn't have a choice.
Javier Esposito: Yeah, you did.
Richard Castle: No, actually, when it comes to weddings, you don't.
Richard Castle: Trust me. You do not want to start a marriage with a family feud.
Javier Esposito: This sucks.
Kevin Ryan: I know.
Javier Esposito: And I was gonna give you an awesome send-off, bro.
Kevin Ryan: I know.
Richard Castle: Well boys, I'm sorry. I'm sorry it had to come to this. I didn't want it to, but it looks like we have no choice. There is no other way. IBPWOC. Impromptu Bachelor Party While On Case.

Richard Castle: Hey, do you know what Lanie and Esposito were fighting about?
Kate Beckett: Everything. They both want to be together, but neither of them wants to admit to it.
Richard Castle: Ugh! Why do people do that to themselves?
Kate Beckett: Maybe they just don't see it.
Richard Castle: How could they not? It's so obvious.

Kate Beckett: Hey, Lanie, we got a jumper?
Lanie Parish: Judging by the impact, I'd say he came from one of those windows above the 7th floor. Ryan and Esposito are already into find the room with the hotel staff.
Richard Castle: So... He's naked.
Lanie Parish: Perceptive.
Richard Castle: Well, it is pretty cold out. If this was a suicide, wouldn't you rather be warm and toasty on your way down to your certain, yet citrusy death?
Lanie Parish: If it were suicide, would you really have these?
Lanie Parish: Fingernail marks. Only an hour old?
Kate Beckett: Well, looks like he did the deed before taking the dive.
Richard Castle: Last item on your bucket list?

Kate Beckett: What girl in her twenties doesn't have a cell phone?
Richard Castle: Maybe she's Amish.

Joe Flynn: It happened... backstage... right upstairs. They were stealing a moment together which was dangerous because she was Dempsey's girl. As they stared into each other's eyes, Kate's heart quickened.
Kate Beckett: Did you just say "Kate?" Are you picturing the P.I. as you, and me as the gangster's moll?
Joe Flynn: What? No. And I didn't say "Kate." I said, "fate." Fate's heart quickened. I was being poetic. God.

Joe Flynn: It happened... backstage... right upstairs. They were stealing a moment together which was dangerous because she was Dempsey's girl. As they stared into each other's eyes, Kate's heart quickened.
Kate Beckett: Did you just say "Kate?" Are you picturing the P.I. as you, and me as the gangster's moll?
Joe Flynn: What? No. And I didn't say "Kate." I said, "fate." Fate's heart quickened. I was being poetic. God.

Javier Esposito: So, neighbors heard a hellacious fight and then our victim here sailed out of that fourth-floor window.
Kate Beckett: Was that his apartment?
Javier Esposito: We're checking, but it doesn't look like it. Tenants don't recognize him and he doesn't have any ID.
Lanie Parish: No ID, but lots of causes of death.
Richard Castle: You mean, other than gravity?
Lanie Parish: Oh yeah. See that bullet wound?
Kate Beckett: So he was shot before he fell?
Lanie Parish: And stabbed.
Kate Beckett: Shot and stabbed?
Lanie Parish: And choked and has a pencil jammed in the side of his neck.
Richard Castle: Wha. Gives new meaning to the term 'overkill.'

Kevin Ryan: What do you think this is about, huh?
Javier Esposito: Smells like an intelligence op.
Kevin Ryan: CIA? NSA? DHS?
Javier Esposito: Same letters, different alphabet. I had some buddies from the service volunteer for intelligence ops.
Kevin Ryan: Yeah? How'd they like it?
Javier Esposito: They all died.

Richard Castle: Twin girls are born and put up for adoption. Odette goes to a wealthy, loving family, Barbra, not so lucky. She gets bounced around from one foster home to the next, always knowing, deep inside, that she was meant for something better. Then, one day, the two of them meet on a train bound for Miami. The connection is instantaneous. In two days they learn everything there is to know about each other. And Barbra can't help but think, "If only I had landed in the lap of luxury like Odette, I could have been anything I wanted to be."
Kate Beckett: Are you suggesting that Barbra purposefully caused the derailment to take over Odette's life? With what? Her crazy Wiccan powers?
Richard Castle: [excited] Oh... Wow! That would be an incredible twist! But no. No. The accident happens, Odette is killed, Barbra survives. And in the midst of all the chaos and rubble, she sees her chance. She switches identification with Odette, and she changes her destiny. In one move, Barbra builds herself a better future. A perfect life.
Kate Beckett: Until she was murdered a year later.
Richard Castle: Yeah, well, separated twin stories never end happily.
Richard Castle: Except 'The Parent Trap'.

Kate Beckett: Who put you up to this, Bobby? Who gave you that backpack?
Bobby Lopez: I don't... I don't know. I don't remember.
Kate Beckett: You don't remember? How do you not remember?
Bobby Lopez: I was in shock. A bomb went off, everyone was running and screaming...
Kate Beckett: Oh, oh. Okay, okay. So you remember what happened after the bomb went off but not before?
Bobby Lopez: It must have been one of those traumatic amnesia things.
Kate Beckett: Bobby!... Don't lie to me.
Bobby Lopez: I'm telling you, it was all a big blank. It was the trauma.
Kate Beckett: It was not the trauma. You don't get to use that excuse.
Bobby Lopez: I swear! I don't remember.
Kate Beckett: The *hell* you don't remember! Do you want to know trauma? I was shot in the chest. And I remember every *second* of it... And so do you.
Richard Castle: [watching in the observation room] All this time... You remembered?

Kate Beckett: Who put you up to this, Bobby? Who gave you that backpack?
Bobby Lopez: I don't... I don't know. I don't remember.
Kate Beckett: You don't remember? How do you not remember?
Bobby Lopez: I was in shock. A bomb went off, everyone was running and screaming...
Kate Beckett: Oh, oh. Okay, okay. So you remember what happened after the bomb went off but not before?
Bobby Lopez: It must have been one of those traumatic amnesia things.
Kate Beckett: Bobby!... Don't lie to me.
Bobby Lopez: I'm telling you, it was all a big blank. It was the trauma.
Kate Beckett: It was not the trauma. You don't get to use that excuse.
Bobby Lopez: I swear! I don't remember.
Kate Beckett: The *hell* you don't remember! Do you want to know trauma? I was shot in the chest. And I remember every *second* of it... And so do you.
Richard Castle: [watching in the observation room] All this time... You remembered?

Kate Beckett: I'm telling you, something happened, something changed. It's been weird between us lately.
Lanie Parish: Lately? Kate, it's been weird for four years.
Kate Beckett: No. This is different. He's different. It's like he's pulling away.
Lanie Parish: Well, can you blame him? He's probably tired of waiting.
Kate Beckett: Waiting for what?
Lanie Parish: What do you think? The guy is crazy about you, snd despite your little act, you're crazy about him.
Lanie Parish: Oh, what? Was that supposed to be some big secret?
Kate Beckett: [with mixed indignation and defensiveness] Yes!
Kate Beckett: [deflating, being honest with herself] No. Do you think he knows?
Lanie Parish: You remember how he used to be? Girl on either arm? You really don't see that guy too much anymore. Why do you think that is? He's waiting for you.
Kate Beckett: Yeah, but, Lanie...
Lanie Parish: I know. You're dealing with stuff. But you cannot ask him to wait forever... Unless, of course, you're okay with him pulling away.
Kate Beckett: What if it doesn't work? What if it ends up like you and Javi?
Lanie Parish: Well, at least we gave it a shot. And so it didn't work out. So what? Now we can move on. Give or take the occasional booty call.
Kate Beckett: I just, I don't wanna lose what we have, you know?
Lanie Parish: Girl, please. What exactly do you have? Really?
Kate Beckett: A friendship?
Lanie Parish: No. What you and I have, is a friendship. What you and Castle have is a holding pattern. How long can you circle before the fuel runs out?

Richard Castle: Beckett, what do you want?
Kate Beckett: You.
Kate Beckett: I'm so sorry, Castle... I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry.
Richard Castle: What happened?
Kate Beckett: He got away, and I didn't care. I almost died... and all I could think about was you. I just want you.

Kate Beckett: So, you here to apologize for hiding me in your closet?
Richard Castle: Look, let me explain. When I heard her voice, I reacted by instinct.
Kate Beckett: Yeah, like the instinct of a sophomore in high school.
Richard Castle: Right.
Richard Castle: No. Look. I...
Kate Beckett: Wait a minute. You're embarrassed about being seen with me.
Richard Castle: Now that is not true. Look, I, This, I, Okay. This is all just still very new to me, and call me selfish, but I wanna keep what we have together... to ourselves a bit longer.
Kate Beckett: Still, it wasn't your finest hour.
Richard Castle: No.
Richard Castle: But maybe I could... make it up to you... Somehow.
Kate Beckett: I suppose since we know your mom's not gonna be barging in, we could go for round two.
Richard Castle: Well, technically it would be round four, but...
Richard Castle: She's stalking us. She knows.

Richard Castle: The only reason I went on the date in the first place was because you made a big deal about being single in public.
Kate Beckett: Castle, I have twelve missed phone calls from Chip the sportscaster because he thinks that I'm single, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let him mount me in a Speedo just to prove it.
Richard Castle: You didn't tell me he called.
Kate Beckett: Really? You're gonna play the jealousy card now?

Richard Castle: My little girl is going to college.
Martha Rodgers: It seems like just yesterday you were checking under the bed every night, promising her that monsters aren't real.
Richard Castle: Well, I lied. Monsters are real. They're the boys in her freshman dorm.
Martha Rodgers: Oh, speaking of which, before Alexis leaves, don't you think you should have the, uh, "talk" with her?
Richard Castle: You mean the sex talk? Mother, I covered that ages ago. I learned so much.

Kate Beckett: Yeah, well, I don't understand why they even care.
Richard Castle: Ah, why do people care about Brangelina?
Kate Beckett: Oh, so we're Brangelina now?
Richard Castle: No. No, no. We're... Rickate.
Richard Castle: No, we're Kate-ick.
Kate Beckett: Hmm...
Richard Castle: Cas-kett. Ooh, that's good! 'Cause of the whole murder thing? Caskett?

Kate Beckett: They started up about eight weeks ago, according to those e-mails. He met her after one of his... book signings and he asked her out for coffee and that was a... It was just a couple of weeks after we started seeing each other.
Lanie Parish: Oh, sweetie.
Kate Beckett: He told her that needed to keep it a secret, because he was with someone else... And then when he tried to break it off about a week ago, she threatened to go and tell his girlfriend. He offered to come over to her apartment to talk things through. And that was the night of the murder.
Lanie Parish: He had motive... What did Castle say when you talked to him?
Kate Beckett: He said that the e-mails were faked. He said he never wrote that story and that he was being framed...
Kate Beckett: You should have seen him, Lanie. He looked like a little boy, he was so scared... I know him, Lanie... He is... an immature, egotistical... self-centered jackass sometimes, but he's not this.

Richard Castle: What are you doing here?
Kate Beckett: You'd know if you'd answer your phone.
Richard Castle: Listen, if you want your very own signed copy of "Storm Season", I'd be happy to arrange a private signing.
Kate Beckett: Cap your pen, Castle. There's been a murder here.
Richard Castle: Here at SuperNovaCon?
Kate Beckett: Mmm-hmm.
Richard Castle: Shiny.

Kate Beckett: So, that's the murder weapon.
Richard Castle: Mmmm. It's a Gibson Les Paul. '59 flame top, if I'm not mistaken. And I'm... rarely mistaken.
Richard Castle: It's hot.

Martha Rodgers: Jim... I don't know how you do this. You know, I thought I would get used to this... new part of Richard's life, that constant danger, and the never knowing, and I, but I really thought there would come a moment, just a moment, when the worry would stop.
Jim Beckett: Katie's been doing this for more than a decade now... and I've had this clench in my gut since the day they handed her the shield... She does say she always feels safest when your son's watching her back.
Martha Rodgers: He says the same thing about her. Well... at least, wherever they are, they have each other to lean on.

Kate Beckett: My God, Meredith, Castle did that? I can't believe that you married him.
Richard Castle: What can't you believe? What? No. What- Don't- Come on. Beckett, there's two sides to that story. That- What did you- What story- What did you tell her?
Meredith: The truth, Richard.
Kate Beckett: Castle, you're not the man that I thought I knew.
Richard Castle: I'm the man you thought you knew. I'm the man you know. I thought you- I'm that- You think- I know you- I'm him.
Richard Castle: This is so not cool.

Richard Castle: In a relationship, if you choose a movie, and you choose very, very poorly, do you lose your turn?
Javier Esposito: How poorly?
Kate Beckett: "Valentine's Day".
Javier Esposito: You should lose two turns.

Kate Beckett: You got anything?
Kevin Ryan: Well, um... eh, I never thought I'd say this after graduating the sixth grade, but our bra research is in.

Richard Castle: Man, these people need to get a life. Most of these guys, it seems their only companionship is the space alien that talks to them through their microwave.
Kate Beckett: Yeah, well, there's a lot of lonely and confused people out there, but so far none of the letters match the handwriting in our the suspect's notebook.
Richard Castle: Considering what he's capable of, you would think Bracken would have more... formidable enemies.
Kate Beckett: Oh, obviously you never saw the letter that I sent him.
Richard Castle: No, I did actually. I liked the way you uh, dotted the 'I' on "kill" with a little heart. It was a nice touch.
Kate Beckett: Well, I was trying to give it a personal feel.

Kate Beckett: Tell me what happened with Douglas Stevens.
Richard Castle: I appealed to his humanity.
Kate Beckett: I didn't think you had that side to you.
Richard Castle: Well, when it comes to the people I love, I do.

Richard Castle: You're telling me you're a spy?
Jackson Hunt: "Intelligence asset" is the term.
Richard Castle: My dad's a spy.

M.E. Sidney Perlmutter: Ah, Detective Beckett... and Defective Castle.
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Kate Beckett: Did you find anything yet?
Richard Castle: Yes... Closet with more stilettos than yours. Didn't think it was possible.

Siobhan O'Doul: Fenton?
Kevin Ryan: Siobhan?
Siobhan O'Doul: Fenton!
Jenny Ryan: Hey! What the hell are you doing? That's my husband!
Siobhan O'Doul: You're married?
Richard Castle: Whoa, lady, you can't slap a cop.
Siobhan O'Doul: You're a cop?
Richard Castle: Oh!
Siobhan O'Doul: Ugh! You liar! You son of a bitch! How could you? Get off of me! Let go!
Kevin Ryan: I can explain.

Kevin Ryan: Castle, how's the knee?
Richard Castle: It's not the knee so much as the boredom.
Javier Esposito: I thought you writers liked being alone.
Richard Castle: Yeah, if I could write. But the painkillers make me a little loopy. Last night, I used the word 'speculate' three times in the same sentence.
Kevin Ryan: Hmm. You *must* be bored. You've actually gone "Rear Window".
Richard Castle: Alexis got me those as a joke to cheer me up. I have not yet resorted to voyeurism.
Kevin Ryan: Then you are missing out.
Javier Esposito: What? Let me see.
Kevin Ryan: No. Hey!
Javier Esposito: Give me the binoculars!
Kevin Ryan: Dude, she was just about to take off her towel.
Javier Esposito: Oh, the towel's off.
Kevin Ryan: Yeah?
Kate Beckett: Unless the body that you're looking at is dead, I suggest you drop those binoculars.

Richard Castle: Yeah. She's still not taking my calls.
Kate Beckett: Well, can you blame her, Castle? You practically turned her into a Smurf.
Richard Castle: Na'vi would be a more contemporary reference.

Richard Castle: So, he ate the wrong entrée and avoided being poisoned, and then he stumbled... at just the right moment to avoid being shot by an assassin through a window... Nobody's that lucky... What's going on here, Kate?
Kate Beckett: He kissed me, okay, Castle?
Richard Castle: He what?
Kevin Ryan: I think I have all I need here.

Kate Beckett: Hey, Castle, listen... Thank you for staying with me.
Richard Castle: Always.
Richard Castle: That's...
Richard Castle: Perfect timing.
Kevin Ryan: Definitely.
Javier Esposito: You good?
Kate Beckett: Yeah, did she see it?
Javier Esposito: No.
Captain Victoria Gates: Glad to see you, Detective. Even you, Mr. Castle. I have to say, I don't know too many men who would've done what you did.
Kate Beckett: Neither do I.
Captain Victoria Gates: [after a pause] Oh, for Heaven's sake Detective. Just kiss the man.
Kate Beckett: Sir, you know?
Captain Victoria Gates: What? Do you think I'm an idiot? I needed to maintain plausible deniability, which I can continue as long as you two both act professionally at the precinct.
Richard Castle: I know I can, but, Captain, she has a long history of coming on to me at work...
Kate Beckett: I don't think it'll be a problem, sir.
Captain Victoria Gates: Good. Meanwhile, as long as we're on neutral ground here, I'd say, uh... he deserves it, wouldn't you?
Kate Beckett: Yes, sir, I would.

Richard Castle: Whoa, that is not the Suez Canal. Ooh.
Richard Castle: If you're trying to decide what to wear, just keep wearing what you're wearing now. Or... less.
Kate Beckett: Pervert!
Richard Castle: That is Field Marshall Pervert to you.

Richard Castle: Whoa, that is not the Suez Canal. Ooh.
Richard Castle: If you're trying to decide what to wear, just keep wearing what you're wearing now. Or... less.
Kate Beckett: Pervert!
Richard Castle: That is Field Marshall Pervert to you.

Do you have any idea how many people have sat across that table and confessed their sins to me? What makes you think that you're any different? Any smarter?... You've only been in this room for one hour. But this room... This room has been my life. My home... And I will not let you sit there and lie to me in my own home. This is a partial print found at the crime scene, in the victim's blood. It's a match to yours, Martin. Am I still wasting my time? I've got enough to convict you. So the question is how many years of your own life are you gonna sacrifice for someone else's future? Or are you ready to deal?

Kate Beckett: Oh, my... God! Oh, my God! You're proposing!
Richard Castle: Okay. You're surprised.
Kate Beckett: Of course I'm surprised! I thought you were breaking up with me!
Richard Castle: By offering you a ring?
Kate Beckett: Well, you just- You seemed so serious!
Richard Castle: Yeah, of course I'm serious. This is the most serious thing I've ever done.

ell you what, though... next time I say I'm dying to see you, let's keep it metaphoric.

Javier Esposito: What are you doing here, bro?
Richard Castle: Well, you would know if you would've answered my call.
Javier Esposito: I must not have heard it ring.
Richard Castle: You rejected it. On live television.

Emma Briggs: I am not a murderer!
Richard Castle: Says the lady pointing a gun at me.

Kate Beckett: You're trying to drive me crazy, aren't you?
Richard Castle: Well, apparently, I already do, if we end up with three kids.
Simon Doyle: Would you like to know their names?
Richard Castle: Yes!
Kate Beckett: No!

Richard Castle: Ahh! Ahhhhh!
Richard Castle: I'm just kidding.
Kate Beckett: Castle!
Richard Castle: I can't believe you fell for that.

Richard Castle: I am not giving up. And you know why? Because it's the best idea ever.
Kate Beckett: Castle, I am not getting married in space.
Richard Castle: Why not? We could be the first. Commercial space flight is only a couple of years away, and you said... you wanted it to be special.
Kate Beckett: Yes, because when I was little girl imagining my wedding day, being stuck in a small tin can with a thousand tons of rocket fuel strapped to my ass was exactly what I had mind.
Richard Castle: Then we agree!
Kate Beckett: If you don't wanna go and look at wedding venues this weekend, then just say so.
Richard Castle: I don't wanna go look at wedding venues this weekend.
Kate Beckett: Too bad.

Carl Matthews: You broke three of my ribs.
Richard Castle: Oh, I'm sorry. I was going for double digits.

Richard Castle: You know, I got- gotta say, when I volunteered to take Cosmo, I-I thought I was doing it for his benefit. But... I realized I was doing it more for mine. I... When Alexis was little, Meredith really wasn't around. So, I-I did it all on my own. And... when yo-you said you weren't a baby person...
Kate Beckett: Okay, okay, I get it. You were thinking that...
Richard Castle: Yeah.
Kate Beckett: Okay, well, I'll tell you what. When the time comes... there's no way I'm gonna let you take care of our baby on your own.

Kate Beckett: Hey, who the hell keeps texting?
Milo Pavlik: It's a news alert. There's a three-alarm fire going in Brooklyn.
Richard Castle: Where in Brooklyn?
Milo Pavlik: Uh... some factory on Arcadia Lane.
Richard Castle: Oh, no.

Kate Beckett: Castle?
Richard Castle: Crap.
Kate Beckett: Hey. So, I thought I'd see if Alexis remembers anything more about the man from the sketches.
Richard Castle: Yeah, about the man in the sketches... um... There's something you should know about him.
Kate Beckett: What?
Richard Castle: He's your future father-in-law.

Kate Beckett: Castle?
Richard Castle: Hmm.
Kate Beckett: Should I be worried about your commitment to our engagement?
Richard Castle: No. why?
Kate Beckett: 'Cause it says right here that you're getting back together with your ex-wife.
Richard Castle: What?
Kate Beckett: Right here, page six.
Richard Castle: "Castle caught cuddling with ex-wife publisher". No, no. This was a business lunch. We were discussing Heat and Storm books.
Kate Beckett: Oh, so, um, you weren't...
Kate Beckett: "gazing lovingly into her eyes"?
Richard Castle: She had spinach in her teeth! That's just... Okay. I don't... See, this wouldn't happen if you just let me announce our engagement.
Kate Beckett: We already talked about this. Everyone that's important to us already knows.
Richard Castle: Yes, and just because I'm a public figure doesn't mean you need to be one, too. I know.
Kate Beckett: Exactly.
Richard Castle: Well, so long as you don't mind this sort of thing happening.
Kate Beckett: I don't. 'Cause it's not true. And it only gives me more material to torture you with.
Richard Castle: Mmm, and the student becomes the master.

Richard Castle: Everything all right?
Kate Beckett: We have to talk.
Richard Castle: Wow. That's something people say before they deliver bad news.
Kate Beckett: Um... You know, when you called last night about the venue... I was with Matilda. She wanted me to model a dress... And... it was a wedding dress... And when I saw myself in it, I just, I started to think about my mom. She would have loved to have been part of all of this. To help pick out the flowers, and try on the dresses, and... When I looked at myself in the mirror, I just, I-I halfway expected to see her right behind me. And she wasn't there. And just for a moment, I thought to myself, "I don't know if I can do all this without her." And that's why I said no when you asked about the venue... I'm so sorry. It was *so* stupid...
Richard Castle: No... No, not stupid. Human.
Kate Beckett: Do you know what else I wish she could experience?... You.
Richard Castle: Really?
Kate Beckett: Yeah. She would've *loved* you.
Richard Castle: You know, Kate... if you need more time...
Kate Beckett: No. No, I don't- I don't need any more time. I don't even want us to wait until the fall. I think we can find a new venue in the spring.
Richard Castle: You think we can pull it off?
Kate Beckett: Yeah... I mean, I already have the dress.

Assistant: The principal will be with you in just a moment.
Kate Beckett: Thank you. Castle, none of this adds up. What were those girls so afraid of? What happened in that cafeteria?
Richard Castle: I'd offer a theory, but I'm too busy having detention flashbacks.
Kate Beckett: You must have spent a lot of time in this hallway.
Richard Castle: More than I did in class.
Kate Beckett: Bet that principal hated you.
Richard Castle: I'm wondering if hate's a strong enough word. Principal Dunnan had to hire a crane to get that cow off the roof. But I'm sure that old battle ax has long since retired. Put out to pasture, so to speak.
Principal Dunnan: Is that a bovine reference, Mr. Rodgers?
Richard Castle: Principal Dunnan. You're, uh, still here.
Principal Dunnan: And sadly, you have returned.

Okay. I think... I'm man enough to admit I'm completely theory-less.

Richard Castle: Looks like she was stabbed with a knife.
Kate Beckett: Mmm.
M.E. Sidney Perlmutter: To the untrained eye, perhaps. But... what you don't know about postmortem analysis could fill a book, Mr. Castle. In fact, it has. Numerous times.
Richard Castle: Fine. So, it was not a knife.
M.E. Sidney Perlmutter: Ah, wrong again. It was a knife, but "stabbed" implies the blade was thrust into the victim, uh, whereas this wound was produced by it being hurled into her chest.
Kate Beckett: What is this, "Last of the Mohicans"? What kind of knife is it?
M.E. Sidney Perlmutter: Uh, one with a hilt that matches these small bruises on either side of the wound. It killed her instantly, severing the left anterior descending artery.
Kate Beckett: Okay, so either that's the luckiest knife toss in the world...
Richard Castle: Or, she was killed by a circus knife-thrower. Like the Great Throwdini.

Richard Castle: You know, there's a good argument for keeping the list really small. Just immediate family.
Kate Beckett: This argument doesn't have something to do with a certain amusement park ride, does it?
Richard Castle: I'm being serious. Getting married is an intimate act. And our ceremony should reflect that intimacy. And that way, we could all fit into one car. Ryan! How do you feel about roller coasters?
Kevin Ryan: Ooh, they make me nauseous. Why?
Kate Beckett: No reason.

Kevin Ryan: I didn't see that coming.
Javier Esposito: I can't believe I gave him my pen.
Kevin Ryan: I can't believe I shared our family's secret recipe.
Javier Esposito: I can't believe we just got beat by a girl.
Kevin Ryan: Let's never speak of this again.
Javier Esposito: Speak of what?

Senator William H. Bracken: You can't... you can't be here.
Kate Beckett: I found the tape. I found it. It's over. Senator Bracken, you are under arrest for conspiracy, fraud, and the murder of my mother, Johanna Beckett. Turn around, please.

Kate Beckett: T-minus 72 hours until we are married. This feels like a dream.
Richard Castle: That's 'cause I'm dreamy.
Kate Beckett: Oh, shush.
Cassandra: Next?
Richard Castle: Ah. Here we are.
Cassandra: Mr. Richard Castle and Ms. Katherine Beckett.
Richard Castle: That's us.
Cassandra: Proof of divorce?
Richard Castle: I-Is there something wrong with my documents?
Cassandra: They're in order. Ms. Beckett, do you have yours?
Kate Beckett: Pardon me?
Cassandra: Your divorce paperwork.
Kate Beckett: I'm sorry, there's a mistake. I've never been married.
Cassandra: Well, according to this, you have. And it looks like you still are.
Kate Beckett: I'm married?
Richard Castle: To whom?

Kate Beckett: T-minus 72 hours until we are married. This feels like a dream.
Richard Castle: That's 'cause I'm dreamy.
Kate Beckett: Oh, shush.
Cassandra: Next?
Richard Castle: Ah. Here we are.
Cassandra: Mr. Richard Castle and Ms. Katherine Beckett.
Richard Castle: That's us.
Cassandra: Proof of divorce?
Richard Castle: I-Is there something wrong with my documents?
Cassandra: They're in order. Ms. Beckett, do you have yours?
Kate Beckett: Pardon me?
Cassandra: Your divorce paperwork.
Kate Beckett: I'm sorry, there's a mistake. I've never been married.
Cassandra: Well, according to this, you have. And it looks like you still are.
Kate Beckett: I'm married?
Richard Castle: To whom?

Richard Castle: I am so sorry for everything I put you through.
Kate Beckett: It's not your fault, you know. You went through stuff, too, so...
Richard Castle: Well, it's not the same. I can't remember. Though I do know I missed you terribly, because there's no way I wouldn't. We can't just, um... pick up where we left off, can we? As if nothing happened?
Kate Beckett: No.
Richard Castle: We'll get there. We'll find our way home.

Richard Castle: We should get married. Tomorrow, first thing. Put all this behind us. What do you say?
Kate Beckett: Babe... there is nothing that I want more than to marry you, but not like this.
Richard Castle: You're not ready.
Kate Beckett: No. We're both not ready. We're looking for solid ground, and you think getting married is gonna fix the way you feel, and it won't. Look, I love you, and I'm here for you. But we need to get some distance from all of this. We need to get back to our own lives. Find solid ground together. And I promise you, I'm not going anywhere. We've waited this long, so let's just make it right.
Richard Castle: How long?
Kate Beckett: A month? No expectations, no pressure. Just us. And then we'll talk about it then.
Richard Castle: A month. It's a date.

Richard Castle: You promise.
Kate Beckett: Yes, we'll pick up where we left off. I'll even slip into that Valentine's Day gift you got me.
Richard Castle: You mean the one with...
Kate Beckett: Uh hmm.
Richard Castle: With...
Kate Beckett: Yep.

Jason: I'm not talking to Mr. Castle. He's a jerk face!
Richard Castle: Okay, you know what? He's the jerk face!
Kate Beckett: He's eight years old. You've been here for a day and a half and you already have a nemesis?
Richard Castle: How was I supposed to know he'd be the witness?

Javier Esposito: Victim's name is Abby Smith. She's twenty-three years old. A maintenance worker found her early this morning. We're dealing with something messed up here.
Lanie Parish: You got that right. Starting off with these stab wounds.
Richard Castle: They're round. What was the murder weapon?
Lanie Parish: Hard to tell. A knitting needle, maybe. Or an ice pick. Your guess is as good as mine. Her attacker knew about anatomy. He pierced her carotid and her subclavian arteries. She bled out in minutes.
Kate Beckett: Which means our killer might have had a medical background. You know, there are no signs of forced entry. Do we know how this killer came in?
Kevin Ryan: Well, we're not really sure. But he definitely wanted Abby to know that he was here.
Kevin Ryan: She was texted this photo at 10:33, right around time of death.
Kate Beckett: The killer sent this?
Kevin Ryan: Right before he murdered her.
Richard Castle: He was watching her.
Kevin Ryan: Mmm.
Richard Castle: And then he sent that to terrorize her. This was personal.

Kate Beckett: The moment that I met you, my life became extraordinary. You taught me to be my best self, to look forward to tomorrow's adventures. And when I was vulnerable, you were strong. I love you, Richard Castle, and I want to live my life in the warmth of your smile and the strength of your embrace. I promise you I will love you. I will be your friend and your partner in crime and in life, always.
Richard Castle: The moment we met, my life became extraordinary. You taught me more about myself than I knew there was to learn. You are the joy in my heart. You're the last person I want to see every night when I close my eyes. I love you, Katherine Beckett. And the mystery of you is the one I wanna spend the rest of my life exploring. I promise to love you, to be your friend, and your partner in crime and life. 'Till death do us part, and for the time of our lives.

No, Castle, we are not having a honeymoon at a dude ranch!

Javier Esposito: Hey, bro. Yeah, I followed him down to the subway. I'm looking for him now.
Kevin Ryan: What, you lost him?
Javier Esposito: No, I didn't lose him. I just... don't have visual contact.

Kevin Ryan: But let's say he was all wired up with a briefcase of money. What the hell was he doing?
Javier Esposito: It's like Lance was running some kind of half-assed sting operation.
Kate Beckett: Maybe he was. I spoke to Narcotics. The club that Lance went to is a *major* hub for drug sales. Run by a guy that you're familiar with, Castle.
Richard Castle: Is it... Is that Henry Allen Boothe?
Javier Esposito: El Jefe from "Hard Kill"?
Richard Castle: He made a career out of playing drug dealers, and then he quit acting.
Kate Beckett: And then he began living the part. Apparently, he spent so much time with drug dealers, researching his roles, that he actually became one. Narcotics hasn't been able to make a case against him, though.
Richard Castle: This is just like "Hard Kill", where Rico Cruze took down El Jefe. Only now, it's one actor taking on the other actor. But the other actor actually happens to be a drug dealer.
Kevin Ryan: But, again, why would *Lance* do this? Why would he go after Boothe?
Richard Castle: I don't know, but it's so meta. We should really talk to El Jefe.

Kate Beckett: Since when do you follow rules?
Richard Castle: Since I'm the one who made them.

Martha Rodgers: Richard... you're dressed.
Richard Castle: Well, it is morning, isn't it?
Martha Rodgers: Well, it's just that ever since you were banned from working cases with Katherine, you and your pajamas have seen an awful lot of each other.
Richard Castle: I think you're exaggerating. I admit, I've taken the occasional day off to recharge, but hardly think it's fair...
Kate Beckett: Wow. Castle, you're dressed?
Richard Castle: Yes, I'm dressed! I did not think it would be such an event.

Kate Beckett: Martha, what do you think of Rick's P.I. venture?
Martha Rodgers: Well... it's always been a big fantasy of his to be a private investigator. And he says that things are picking up, he's getting more calls at the office every day.
Kate Beckett: Yeah, from fans wanting to meet him. Or people with crazy theories about where he disappeared to for two months. Or cases that aren't even worth looking into, like missing cats. Yeah, from fans wanting to meet him. Or people with crazy theories about where he disappeared to for two months. Or cases that aren't even worth looking into, like missing cats.
Martha Rodgers: Oh... Well, that does seem a bit beneath him.
Kate Beckett: You know, he did this because he was hoping that we would be able to work together again, and he thought he might have some interesting cases to solve. But right now, it doesn't seem like he's getting much of either.
Martha Rodgers: Well, and if I know my son, then, uh...
Martha Rodgers: ... he may be sticking with it because he's too proud to walk away.

Richard Castle: What are you doing to my desk?
Kate Beckett: Oh. Uh, well, Gates is on vacation. So, I figured, why not do my paperwork from home with my husband? That is... if you want to play hooky with me.
Richard Castle: Is it technically playing hooky if we're working?
Kate Beckett: Well, we could work for bit and then, maybe... take a nap?
Richard Castle: Ooh. I like naps.
Kate Beckett: Yeah, naps are good.

Richard Castle: And where are you off to?
Alexis Castle: Oh, I signed up for an escort service. I have to meet a client.
Richard Castle: What? On a what?
Alexis Castle: I just wanted to see if you were listening. I am going to the library. To study.
Richard Castle: Not cool.
Alexis Castle: Bye, Kate.
Kate Beckett: Oh, bye-bye.
Richard Castle: A goodbye kiss? When did that start?
Kate Beckett: Just now. Yeah. No, I'm as surprised as you are.
Richard Castle: Well, I don't know that I'm surprised. I mean, you are pretty lovable.
Kate Beckett: Well, you raised a great person, so...
Richard Castle: Mmm. You say that now. You weren't here for the beginning.

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of Castle and Beckett. Their ongoing mission to explore strange new motives. To seek out new witnesses and new suspects for murder. To boldly to where- Oh, right over here.

Richard Castle: Ah, well, Ryan was working all night and he texted me.
Kate Beckett: You texted Castle and not me?
Kevin Ryan: Well, when you have a crazy theory, you don't call the voice of reason.

Kate Beckett: You know, she's got an amazing brain. I mean, if she wanted to, she'd make an incredible lawyer.
Richard Castle: Yeah, like I don't lose enough arguments to her already. What about you? You ever regret it? Not getting your law degree?
Kate Beckett: Um, I'd rather take criminals down than send them up.
Richard Castle: Really?
Kate Beckett: Mm-hmm.
Richard Castle: Because with your mind, I bet you could've made Chief Justice. You have all the qualifications. You're smart, you are intimidating, and you look very, very good in a robe.
Kate Beckett: Wow. Really?
Richard Castle: Mmm.
Kate Beckett: Care to take a ten minute recess in my chambers?
Richard Castle: If it please the court, I would.
Kate Beckett: Oh. I think we're gonna need a continuance.
Richard Castle: Uh, objection.
Kate Beckett: Overruled.
Kate Beckett: Beckett.

Dr. Carter Burke: Have you ever sought therapy before, Mr. Castle?
Richard Castle: Well, if you'd met my mother, you'd know the answer would be yes. But, uh... by my nature, I try to avoid introspection.

Alexis Castle: What are you gonna do?
Richard Castle: Something very stupid.

Kate Beckett: Castle, something's wrong with your mother.
Richard Castle: You're just realizing this now?

Keith Kaufman: Your job is to enforce the law. Yet you have repeatedly ignored it. In Los Angeles, you investigated a case outside of your legal jurisdiction.
Kate Beckett: But...
Keith Kaufman: You used your badge to pursue a personal vendetta against Senator Bracken, crossing the line and endangering the lives of others numerous times.
Kate Beckett: Sir, that man was a murderer.
Keith Kaufman: You've withheld case information from superiors and flown in the face of authority whenever it suits you. Not to mention your working relationship with Richard Castle. Tell me, Detective, how often have you let your personal feelings for your husband dictate your actions in pursuit of a suspect?
Kate Beckett: Sir, that is unfair. I never let...
Keith Kaufman: And when he went missing, you used your position and a great deal of the taxpayers' money to search for him, enlisting the aid of fellow detectives. And, well, you are infamous for being the inspiration for the fictional NYPD detective Nikki Heat, who spends more time on her back than she does pursuing killers... Detective Beckett, how do you expect to lead, or even continue in your current job, when it's clear you've exercised such poor judgment?
Kate Beckett: Sir, if you would look at my record...
Keith Kaufman: We are looking at your record. You are not qualified for a captaincy, and, in my opinion, you are not qualified to be a detective... Thank you. You can go.
Kate Beckett: You're wrong, sir.
Keith Kaufman: Excuse me?
Kate Beckett: I said, you're wrong. In every case you have referenced, I have not only successfully brought the killer to justice, but I did so with the utmost respect for the law and for the department I represent. And regarding my relationship with Mr. Castle, he has proven to be a *brilliant* partner and he's always had my back. And as for his... fictional representation of me, I'm proud to have been his inspiration, and I am proud to be his wife. You asked, How do I expect to lead? By continuing to fight for what's right, not for what's easy. My job is to protect the citizens of New York and I will do it by doing my job better than anyone else and getting results. I don't cross the line, I put myself on it. And if you have any other questions, then you can ask the families of the victims that I have served.

Senator William Bracken: No. No no no no, forget it! I've got nothing to say to you!
Richard Castle: Oh, tough! I know Beckett was here and I know why! So you're gonna call off your dogs right now.
Senator William Bracken: Or what? Are you gonna write something mean about me?
Richard Castle: Or I'm gonna start a scholarship in your name and offer it to the children of the first inmate who shanks you in the prison laundry.
Senator William Bracken: You'll be wasting your money.
Richard Castle: Oh, forgive me if I don't take your word for it.

Kate Beckett: So, let me get this straight. You got parkoured by a blind priest?
Richard Castle: I'd say the blindness is under dispute.
Kate Beckett: Uh-huh. And what about the fact that he's sixty? Was he faking his age, too?
Richard Castle: Sixty is the new twenty. Did you call just to bust my chops?
Kate Beckett: Yeah, pretty much.

Richard Castle: Wh- What happened to you?
Javier Esposito: Injured in the line of duty.
Richard Castle: Really? How?
Kevin Ryan: I... accidentally shot him in the gluteus maximus.
Richard Castle: In the ass?
Richard Castle: Or maybe I should give this to you. I'm sorry. This is so not funny.
Mia Laszlo: You're right. It's hilarious.
Richard Castle: It's hilarious. Come on, Mia, let's make way for, uh, Crackshot Ryan and Assposito.

Richard Castle: Tomorrow is the first wedding anniversary for Beckett and me. And I was just hoping that you could distract her while I set up a surprise in her office.
Kevin Ryan: I don't know, Castle. Beckett doesn't want you hanging around the precinct.
Richard Castle: It's just a little surprise.
Javier Esposito: Castle, nothing you do is little.
Kevin Ryan: Yeah, probably come riding in on an elephant.
Javier Esposito: And then he takes her and the elephant up in a hot air balloon.
Richard Castle: Well, the first anniversary's paper, but otherwise that's not a bad idea.

Richard Castle: So, Captain Beckett, have you successfully completed your agenda for your lunch meeting?
Kate Beckett: Indeed I did. Three times.
Richard Castle: Three? Best meeting ever.

Alexis Castle: What is all that?
Martha Rodgers: Oh, my lord.
Richard Castle: Somewhere in one of these bags is the perfect baby shower gift for Jen and Ryan. I just need your help picking which one. Ready? Ta-da!
Alexis Castle: No.
Martha Rodgers: Is that a bulletproof baby vest?
Alexis Castle: It's completely inappropriate.
Richard Castle: Really?
Martha Rodgers: Oh, my... so wrong.
Richard Castle: Okay. Well, then you're gonna hate the onesies that say, "I'm with Officer Stupid."

Javier Esposito: You guys okay?
Kate Beckett: Yeah, thanks for rescuing us.
Hayley Shipton: Yes, because clearly you were helpless without us.
Richard Castle: How'd you guys even find us?
Kevin Ryan: Well, we had our best person on it.
Alexis Castle: I can't leave you alone for five minutes.
Richard Castle: Does this mean no hug?

Richard Castle: Stop it. Stop it! Stop!
Kate Beckett: Uh... who are you yelling at?
Richard Castle: No one. I just... still have writer's block. That's all.
Kate Beckett: So, you're taking it out on your laptop?
Richard Castle: No, not the laptop. The... The cursor. I mean, just look at it there taunting me. Just blinking on-off, on-off, like it's so easy writing a best-selling novel. 'Cause I'd like to see you try it, Mr. Cursor! I'd like to see you try it! So why don't we...
Kate Beckett: Why don't we just say goodbye to Mr. Cursor?

Alexis Castle: So, there'll be time to hit the beach while we're in L.A., right?
Richard Castle: No, we're here to learn about my missing time, not work on your tan.
Alexis Castle: Oh, give me a little credit, Dad. I'm not that shallow. We were hoping to scope out some quality man candy.
Hayley Shipton: Hmm, surfers are hot.
Alexis Castle: Mmm.
Richard Castle: You are a bad influence.
Hayley Shipton: Thank you.

Richard Castle: Careful. I made it a little strong this morning.
Kate Beckett: Okay.
Kate Beckett: Mmm.
Kate Beckett: Yes, that will wake the dead.
Richard Castle: Would certainly make your job a lot easier. One interview. "He's the guy who killed me." Case closed.

Kate Beckett: What just happened?
Richard Castle: Well, I've integrated Lucy into all the loft's infrastructure. Climate, lights, music. You name it, she controls it. Just got to work out a few... kinks.
Kate Beckett: Well, I still like a few things the old-fashioned way. So, do you want me to make you a cup of coffee?
Lucy: Uh, no need, Kate. I've programmed Rick's coffee exactly to his liking. Cuban blend, steamed milk, two sugars, pinch of nutmeg.
Richard Castle: Amazing, huh?
Kate Beckett: Hmm.
Lucy: No, Rick, you're amazing.
Richard Castle: No, you are.
Lucy: No, you are.
Richard Castle: No, Lucy. You are.
Lucy: Rick, you're amazing and you know it.
Kate Beckett: Beckett.
Richard Castle: Stop it! I'm not doing this with you again.

Richard Castle: Early morning or late night?
Kevin Ryan: Oh! Both... Jenny can't sleep. Which in her crazy, nine-month-pregnant logic means, out of solidarity, I'm not allowed to sleep, either.

Lanie Parish: Sorry, Castle, but this time, he really is dead.
Richard Castle: What a waste.
Lanie Parish: To be given a second chance and have it taken away like this.
Richard Castle: He was just gonna go back to work like nothing happened.
Lanie Parish: What?
Richard Castle: If I hadn't been so focused on his rebirth, I might have noticed that wire. I... I could have saved him.
Lanie Parish: Oh, you can't beat yourself up, Castle. I was starting to think he was some kind of medical miracle. Turns out he was just lucky. And in the end, his luck ran out.
Richard Castle: Forget lucky.
Alan Masters: Somebody cooking barbecue?
Richard Castle: He's immortal!

Kate Beckett: Mmm. What's tonight?
Richard Castle: Come on, don't tell me you forgot. Our weekly date night. It's new. It's our thing. It's- It's your turn to arrange it, remember?
Kate Beckett: Yeah! Of cour- Of course I remember. I don't need a YOLO card to help me out with that. I've already got it planned.
Richard Castle: Oh, do you? So, tell me, how are you gonna top my American Revolution evening I arranged with the carriage ride to see "Hamilton" on Broadway? The dinner served by waiters dressed as Founding Fathers?
Kate Beckett: Yes, that was fun. Except for when Ben Franklin started hitting on me.
Richard Castle: That's nothing. George Washington slipped me his digits.
Kate Beckett: What?
Richard Castle: So, what are we doing tonight?
Kate Beckett: Uh, well, it's a surprise, Castle.
Richard Castle: Oh, I love surprises. At least tell me what to wear. On a wardrobe scale of 1 to 10, 10 being James Bond, 1 being Big Lebowski, give me a number.
Kate Beckett: For now, five. Crime scene casual.

Richard Castle: If I opened it, I was bound to be disappointed with whatever it was inside. If I never opened it, literally anything I imagined could be in there.
Hayley Shipton: So you chose fantasy over reality.
Richard Castle: Well, duh.
Alexis Castle: But we're going to open in now, right?
Richard Castle: Well, duh.

Richard Castle: If I opened it, I was bound to be disappointed with whatever it was inside. If I never opened it, literally anything I imagined could be in there.
Hayley Shipton: So you chose fantasy over reality.
Richard Castle: Well, duh.
Alexis Castle: But we're going to open in now, right?
Richard Castle: Well, duh.

Richard Castle: Every writer needs inspiration... and I found mine.
Kate Beckett: Always.
Richard Castle: Always.

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