You want to lie to a guy who's favorite pastime is getting doctors fired?
Read more Dr. Chris Taub QuotesFrom: House M.D.
Dr. Eric Foreman: House is brilliant. I give him the benefit of the doubt most of the time because I've seen what he can do.Dr. Walter Cofield: Getting House out of prison is the biggest decision you've made as Dean of Medicine, right? And if he's suspended as a result of this hearing, he violates his parole and he goes back. And that probably leaves you as former Dean of Medicine.Dr. Eric Foreman: I suppose so.Dr. Walter Cofield: You didn't choose me to oversee this because you thought I could be objective. You chose me because you thought I'd have your back and I'd think twice about making a decision that would get you fired.Dr. Walter Cofield: Eric, I'm sorry, but if your get-House-out-of-jail-free experiment blows up in your face, it's not my job to get you out of it.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: I can't even imagine the backwards logic you used to rationalize shooting a corpse.Dr. Gregory House: Well, if I'd shot a live person, there's a lot more paperwork.
I think they're choosing a movie.