Sam Winchester Quotes

Latest Sam Winchester quotes from Supernatural

Sam Winchester

Sam Winchester chatacter image

Sam Winchester is played by Jared Padalecki in Supernatural.


Castiel: Can you not see that? This is the handwriting of Metatron.
Sam Winchester: Metatron? You saying a Transformer wrote that?
Dean Winchester: No. That's Megatron.
Sam Winchester: What?
Dean Winchester: The Transformer - It's Megatron.
Sam Winchester: What? image

Castiel: Can you not see that? This is the handwriting of Metatron.
Sam Winchester: Metatron? You saying a Transformer wrote that?
Dean Winchester: No. That's Megatron.
Sam Winchester: What?
Dean Winchester: The Transformer - It's Megatron.
Sam Winchester: What?

People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them. image

People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them.

Sam Winchester: I don't understand, Dean. We burned the damn thing!
Dean Winchester: Yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious. image

Sam Winchester: I don't understand, Dean. We burned the damn thing!
Dean Winchester: Yeah, thank you, Captain Obvious.

Sam Winchester: I promised Dean I'd call.
Rowena: And I promised Lincoln a fun night at the theater, things change! image

Sam Winchester: I promised Dean I'd call.
Rowena: And I promised Lincoln a fun night at the theater, things change!

Sam Winchester: Can I ask you something?
Julia Wilkinson: If it's for a date, I'm sorry. I never see anyone under 65. Too much drama. image

Sam Winchester: Can I ask you something?
Julia Wilkinson: If it's for a date, I'm sorry. I never see anyone under 65. Too much drama.

Dean Winchester: These are words in a script! This isn't Cas!
Misha Collins: You guys wanna run lines or...?
Dean Winchester: His name's Misha! Misha?
Sam Winchester: Oh, wow!
Dean Winchester: Misha? Jensen? What's up with the names around here?

It's like Mission Pathetic, watch out. image

It's like Mission Pathetic, watch out.

Sam Winchester: Yeah I saw.
Dean Winchester: We gotta figure this out and fast. What did you find out about granny?
Sam Winchester: You're bossy.
Dean Winchester: What?
Sam Winchester: You're bossy... and short hahaha.
Dean Winchester: Are you drunk?
Sam Winchester: Yeah, so... stupid.
Dean Winchester: Dude what are you thinking, we're working a case.

Dean Winchester: What?
Sam Winchester: I lost my shoe.

We detoured eight hours so you could get laid? image

We detoured eight hours so you could get laid?

Sam Winchester: Ughhhh... come on, Crowley! You really, uh, uh, have to hide the blade in a corpse? Not, not with a corpse, but in a corpse?
Dean Winchester: I gotta say, it's not the first place I'd look.

Dean Winchester: All right, so what do we know? Um, if you kiss someone, and then they die?
Sam Winchester: I guess. Wait a second. You didn't kiss Staci.
Melissa Harper: No, of course not.
Dean Winchester: No, but Dan did.
Sam Winchester: So the curse is transmittable?
Dean Winchester: Like a magic STD. Okay, that works. Kind of makes you nostalgic for good, old-fashioned herpes.

Sam Winchester: Turns out Harold was stealing the other residents' Viagra.
Dean Winchester: I know. A real dick move, huh?

Dean Winchester: Hey, it's none of our business, but it looks like somebody might have a crush.
Sheriff Donna Hanscum: I was born at night, Dean. Not last night.
Sam Winchester: What's the deal? He seems nice.
Sheriff Donna Hanscum: He is! But he's a cop... named Doug. I mean, clearly, I have a type. But no, thank you, ma'am. Won't be once bitten, twice Doug'd.

Castiel: We have your grace, Metatron. You're mortal now. So you will answer our questions, or Sam will, um... what's the phrase? Blow your fricking brains out. It's called leverage, Metatron.
Sam Winchester: Learn it, live it, love it.


Crowley: You're dead.
Sam Winchester: Nope. Just using a dead man's phone.
Crowley: Moose. Took you long enough. Your brother and I were beginning to wonder if you'd hit another dog. You know.


Dean Winchester: What happened with you being okay with this?
Sam Winchester: I lied.
Dean Winchester: Ain't that a bitch.

Sam Winchester: You know we always talk about taking a break, going camping? This could be like camping, it could be fun.
Dean Winchester: Yeah, which part? Freezing our nuts off in the middle of the woods on a thin lead?
Sam Winchester: Yeah, that part.

Dean Winchester: I don't know, Sammy. Looks like Jody might not need our help anymore.
Sam Winchester: Oh, they grow up so fast. Don't they?
Sheriff Jody Mills: Yeah, joke all you want.

Dean Winchester: You know what video would have gone viral, if we still had it? When you were five and got dressed up as Batman and jumped off the shed 'cause you thought you could fly.
Sam Winchester: After you jumped first.
Dean Winchester: Hey, I was nine, and was dressed up as Superman. okay? Everybody knows Batman can't fly.
Sam Winchester: Well, I didn't know that. I broke my arm.
Dean Winchester: I know you did. Man, I drove you to the E.R. on my handlebars.

Castiel: Why must the Winchesters run toward death?
Sam Winchester: No, don't. Don't. Don't stop.
Castiel: Sam, when I was human, I died, and that showed me that life is precious, and it must be protected at all costs, even a life as... as pig-headed as a Winchester's.
Sam Winchester: My life's not worth any more than anyone else's. Not yours or Dean's... or Kevin's.


Dean Winchester: Wait a minute. Can I hear all animals?
Colonel the Dog: Yep. Animals have a universal language - like Esperanto. But this one actually caught on.
Pigeon: And I'm just getting started, too. Brewing a real big one. Ha. Bet your ride's gonna look sweet in white.
Sam Winchester: What's he saying?
Dean Winchester: You - He's being a douchebag!
Pigeon: Who are you calling "douchebag", douchebag?
Dean Winchester: Oh, shut it, you winged rat!
Sam Winchester: Dude.
Dean Winchester: What?
Sam Winchester: Hey. Just calm down. Just get in the car.
Pigeon: Ha ha. That's right, Sally. Go cry to Mama.
Dean Winchester: [pulls out his gun] Oh, that's it, you son of a bitch!

Castiel: There really is a lot to being human, isn't there?
Dean Winchester: It ain't all just burritos and strippers, my friend.
Castiel: Yeah. I understand what you're saying.
Sam Winchester: You do?
Castiel: Yes, there's more to humanity than survival. You... look for purpose, and you must not be defeated by anger or despair. Or hedonism, for the matter.
Dean Winchester: Where does hedonism come into it?
Castiel: Well, my time with April was very educational.
Sam Winchester: Yeah. I mean, I would think that getting killed is something.
Castiel: And having sex.
Dean Winchester: You had sex with April?
Sam Winchester: Yeah, that would be where the hedonism comes in.
Dean Winchester: Shh. So... Did you have protection?
Castiel: I had my angel blade.
Dean Winchester: Oh. Oh, he had the angel blade.

Jack: Are you okay?
Kaia Nieves: No! What the hell was that?
Sam Winchester: They were angels.
Jack: Bad angels
Kaia Nieves: Angels?
Sam Winchester: Yes, and we're Hunters. We kill things like them.
Kaia Nieves: Right. And he's the Son of Satan?
Jack: I am. Yes.
Kaia Nieves: You're insane.
Dean Winchester: Yeah, the whole world's insane. You get used to it.

Sam Winchester: Well, we have Rowena's notes for the spell so...
Dean Winchester: Okay, "Samwitch".

Moira: So, why do you need this luck so bad? Liver failure?
Sam Winchester: Accursed by God.
Moira: Life's a bitch, then you die.
Dean Winchester: The God... literally cursed us.
Moira: You've met?
Dean Winchester: Yeah. Little guy, squirrelly as hell.
Moira: Yeah, that's him.

Sam Winchester: Hey. What are you doing?
Dean Winchester: I'm not gonna give up. That's what I'm doing. Not just gonna sit in this crypt and wait for the walls to come down.
Sam Winchester: You heard Rowena.
Dean Winchester: Yeah, I heard her, okay? Ghosts are gonna bust out and they're gonna swallow this world. And you want to what, just relax? Take a knee? No. No, we were gonna end this, Sam. Like you said. We're gonna be free.
Sam Winchester: I know, Dean, I-I just...
Sam Winchester: This feels bigger than us. You know? And--And I'm out of ideas, and... And I'm freak, too.
Dean Winchester: Oh, I'm not freaked. I'm angry, okay? I'm pissed.
Sam Winchester: At God.
Dean Winchester: Yes.
Sam Winchester: Me too
Dean Winchester: I mean, this whole mess, you know? This --This sloppy-ass ghostpolcalypse-- that's Chuck's ending? No. No, I don't think so. After everything he has put us through ? I'll be damned if I'm gonna let some glorified fanboy get the last word.

Dean Winchester: All right. Any of this scream "clown" to you?
Sam Winchester: John Wayne Gacy's cigar box. I mean...
Dean Winchester: We should burn that now.
Sam Winchester: Oh, yeah.
Dean Winchester: A serial killer clown. I mean, this is, like, the best/worst thing that's ever happened to you, you know, 'cause you love serial killers, but - but you hate clowns.
Sam Winchester: Yeah, I get it, Dean.

Sam Winchester: The ice caps are melting. People marching. A little bit of, uh, craziness in the movie world. Businessman billionaire turned President, embroiled in yet another controversy. And that is pretty much the world - uh, our world - right now.
Bobby Singer: Let me get this right - the ice caps are melting, a movie where a girl goes all the way with a fish wins Best Picture, and that damn fool idjit from "The Apprentice" is President.
Sam Winchester: Yeah.
Bobby Singer: And you call where we come from "Apocalypse World?"


Castiel: Dean, you can't possibly eat another. That's your seventh piece.
Dean Winchester: No, it's not.
Jack: Castiel's right. I counted.
Dean Winchester: Okay, first, don't be a narc. And, secondly seven pieces is perfectly normal.
Sam Winchester: Uh, no it's really not.
Dean Winchester: It's not even a whole pie.
Jack: Was he always like this?
Mary Winchester: Even as a baby. John and me, we used to call him our little piglet.

Dean Winchester: There it is! Jinkies!
Sam Winchester: You're gonna stop saying that eventually, right?
Dean Winchester: I don't know. Probably not.

Dean Winchester: Look at you you. You're like a Boy Scout. You're always prepared.
Sam Winchester: Yeah. You're like a... Yeah? I don't know what you're like.

This ends one way for us, Dean. It ends bloody. It ends bad.


Sam Winchester: It's just... you were my first crush.
Rio: You weren't one of those guys that had my poster above their bed were you?
Sam Winchester: What? No!
Dean Winchester: Did you tell her you used to have her poster over your bed when you were a kid?
Sam Winchester: No.

Dean Winchester: What about Jack?
Sam Winchester: He's catching up on all my old fantasy DVDs, Red Sonja, Beastmaster, Beastmaster Two, you know, the one with the time traveling ferrets.
Dean Winchester: Yeah. Wow. How you ever got laid, I'll never know.

Jack: I have to find my father. He'll protect me.
Sam Winchester: Jack, you gotta listen to me. That's not what really Lucifer does.
Jack: Lucifer? No, that's not his name. My father is Castiel.
Sam Winchester: What?
Jack: My mother, she said Castiel, he would keep me safe. She said the world was a dangerous place. That's-that's why I couldn't be a baby or a child. I... That's why I had to grow up fast. That's why I chose him to be my father. Where is he?
Sam Winchester: He's dead.


Sam Winchester: So why are you here?
Crowley: Whenever there's a world-ending crisis at hand, I know where to place my bets. It's on you, you big, beautiful, lumbering piles of flannel.
Dean Winchester: Which means?
Crowley: After we put Lucifer back in his cage- together- I'll seal the gates of Hell. You'll never see another demon again, apart from, of course, yours truly.


Dean Winchester: Take care of her.
Sam Winchester: Of course. Dean, look, even if Ramsey circles back, as long as we keep moving, Gwen's gonna be just... You're talking about the car.
Dean Winchester: You tend to ride the brakes.
Sam Winchester: Dean, I know how to drive.
Dean Winchester: I'm just saying. Okay, just imagine she's a... a beautiful woman. A beautiful, beautiful woman.
Sam Winchester: Oh, come on. I'm done.
Dean Winchester: Sam...
Crowley: Ew.

Sam Winchester: Hey. Is that it? Is it done?
Dean Winchester: Who is this hippie?
Dean Winchester: Look at his face. Oh! Kind of like the time when I ate all of your Halloween candy. You remember that? Classic.
Sam Winchester: Not funny.

Dean Winchester: Heil This!
Sam Winchester: Dude... You killed Hitler!
Dean Winchester: I killed Hitler. I killed Hitler. I killed Hitler. I think that entitles me to free drinks for the rest of my life. I'm gonna get t-shirts made.

Dean Winchester: Really think this is gonna work?
Sam Winchester: Rowena said it would.
Dean Winchester: Oh. Yeah.
Dean Winchester: It's a Book of the Damned spell, boyos. You take this wee crystal. It'll suck up all the blimey ghosts. Just say the magic word.

Sam Winchester: You know she and Bobby had a thing, right?
Dean Winchester: Yeah!... Yeah, I knew that.
Dean Winchester: Really?
Sam Winchester: Yeah! Kind of a foxhole thing. Very Hemingway!
Dean Winchester: Huh...
Dean Winchester: She and I kinda went Hemingway this one time, too.
Sam Winchester: Alright, well...
Sam Winchester: that happens.
Dean Winchester: Wait, you too?
Sam Winchester: Look, it was a while back. We ended up on the same case; she was stressed and I... I didn't have a soul?
Dean Winchester: That's a lot of foxholes.

Dean Winchester: Did she look familiar to you?
Sam Winchester: No. Why?
Dean Winchester: I don't know. Anyway, you hungry?
Sam Winchester: No,
Dean Winchester: Man, for some reason, I could really go for some pea soup.

Dean Winchester: Well, look at me. I mean, I came back from the furnace without any of my old scars, right? No bullet wounds, knife cuts, none of the off-angle fingers from all of the breaks - I mean, my hide is as smooth as a baby's bottom. Which leads me to conclude, sadly, that my virginity is intact.
Sam Winchester: What?
Dean Winchester: I've been re-hymenated.
Sam Winchester: Re - Please. Dean, maybe angels can pull you out of hell, but no one could do that.
Dean Winchester: Brother! I have been re-hymenated. And the dude will not abide!

Dean Winchester: Nice reflexes.
Sam Winchester: I knew it was going happen, Dean. I know everything that's going to happen.
Dean Winchester: You don't know everything.
Sam Winchester: Yeah, I do.
Sam Winchester: Yeah right. Nice guess. It wasn't guess.
Dean Winchester: Right, you're a mind reader. Cut it out Sam. Sam! You think you're being funny but you're being really, really childish. Sam Winchester wears make-up. Sam Winchester cries his way through sex. Sam Winchesters keeps a ruler by the bed and every morning when he wakes up- okay, enough!

Sam Winchester: Dude. Drop the attitude, Dean. Quit turning everything into a punchline. And you know something else? Stop trying to act like you're not afraid.
Dean Winchester: I'm not.
Sam Winchester: You're lying. And you may as well drop it, 'cause I can see right through you.
Dean Winchester: You have no idea what you're talking about.
Sam Winchester: Yeah, I do. You're scared, Dean. You're scared because you're year is running out, and you're still going to Hell, and you're freaked.
Dean Winchester: And how do you know that?
Sam Winchester: Because I know you!
Dean Winchester: Really?
Sam Winchester: Yeah, because I've been following you around my entire life. I mean, I've been looking up to you since I was four, Dean. Studying you, trying to be just like my big brother.So, yeah, I know you. Better than anyone else in the entire world. And this is exactly how you act when you're terrified. And, I mean, I can't blame you. It's just...
Dean Winchester: What?
Sam Winchester: It's just, I wish you would drop the show and be my brother again, 'cause... just 'cause.

Sam Winchester: You remember Cinderella?
Dean Winchester: ...
Sam Winchester: The pumpkin that turns into a coach and the mice that become horses?
Dean Winchester: ...Dude, could you be more gay?
Dean Winchester: Don't answer that.

Madison: Do you wanna sit on the couch?
Sam Winchester: No. No, no, I'm okay.
Madison: It's more comfortable.
Sam Winchester: I'm fine.
Sam Winchester: You know what? I think I will sit on that couch.


Bobby Singer: You're bickering like an old married couple.
Dean Winchester: No, see, married couples can get divorced. Me and him? We're like, Siamese twins.
Sam Winchester: It's conjoined twins.
Dean Winchester: See what I mean?

Dean Winchester: Did you bring quarters?
Sam Winchester: Dude, I'm not enabling your sick habit. You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies.
Dean Winchester: What are you talking about? I eat.

Sam Winchester: Dean, did you pay attention to History class at all?
Dean Winchester: Yeah, shot hear round the world, how a bill becomes a law...
Sam Winchester: That's not school. That's School House Rock.
Dean Winchester: Whatever.

Dean Winchester: So we're talking ghosts?
Sam Winchester: Yeah.
Dean Winchester: Zombies?
Sam Winchester: Mm-hmm.
Dean Winchester: Leprechauns?
Sam Winchester: Dean.
Dean Winchester: Those little dudes are scary. Small hands.

Sam Winchester: Dean! Andy's got the Impala!
Dean Winchester: I know! He just sort of asked me for it, and I, I let him take it!
Sam Winchester: You what?
Dean Winchester: He full-on Obi-Wanned me!

Sheriff: What newspaper did you say you worked for?
Dean Winchester: World Weekly News.
Sam Winchester: Weekly World News.
Dean Winchester: World...
Sam Winchester: Weekly World News.
Dean Winchester: Wor... I'm new.
Sheriff: Get out of my office.

Sam Winchester: You know, you care more about killing this demon than you do saving your own son!
Dean Winchester: No no no, guys, don't do this!
John Winchester: Do NOT tell me how I feel. I am doing this for Dean.
Sam Winchester: HOW? How is revenge gonna help him? You're not thinking about anybody but yourself, it's the same selfish obsession!
Dean Winchester: Come on guys, don't do this!
John Winchester: That's funny. You know, I thought this was your obsession too! This demon killed your mother, killed your girlfriend! You BEGGED me to be a part of this hunt! Now if you'd killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would've happened!
Sam Winchester: It was possessing you, Dad! I would've killed you too!
John Winchester: Yeah, and your brother would be awake right now!
Dean Winchester: Shut up! Both of you!
Sam Winchester: Go to hell.
John Winchester: You know what? I should've never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake!
Dean Winchester: I said SHUT UP!
Dean Winchester: Dude, I full-on Swayze'd that mother.

Sam Winchester: That thing killed Jess. That thing killed Mom.
Dean Winchester: You said yourself once... that no matter what we do, they're gone. And they're never comin' back.
Sam Winchester: Don't you say that! Not you! Not after all this. Don't you say that.
Dean Winchester: Sam, look... the three of us... that's all we have... it's all I have... sometimes I feel like I'm barely holding it together, man... without you and Dad...

Dean Winchester: You didn't.
Sam Winchester: Oh, I did.

Sam Winchester: Dean, what is goin' on between you two?
Dean Winchester: All right, so maybe we were a little bit more involved than I said.
Sam Winchester: Oh, okay.
Dean Winchester: Okay, a lot more. Maybe. And I told her the secret, about what we do, and I shouldn't have.
Sam Winchester: Ah look man, everybody's gotta open up to someone sometime.
Dean Winchester: Yeah I don't. It was stupid to get that close, I mean look how it ended.
Dean Winchester: Would you stop? Blink or somethin'!
Sam Winchester: You loved her.
Dean Winchester: Aw God.
Sam Winchester: You were in love with her... But you dumped her.
Sam Winchester: Oh wow. She dumped *you*.
Dean Winchester: Get in the car.

Dean Winchester: Oh, sorry!
Sam Winchester: OK, be quiet!
Dean Winchester: Me be quiet? You be quiet!

Charlie: ... And they found her on the bathroom floor, and h-h-her, her eyes... they were g-gone.
Sam Winchester: I'm sorry.
Charlie: And she said it! I heard her say it! But it couldn't be because of that. I'm insane, right?
Dean Winchester: No, you're not insane.
Charlie: Oh God, that makes me feel so much worse.
Sam Winchester: Look, we think something's happening here. Something that can't be explained.
Dean Winchester: And we're gonna stop it.

Dean Winchester: Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray to Castiel to get his feathery ass down here.
Sam Winchester: You're an idiot.
Dean Winchester: Stay positive.
Sam Winchester: Oh, I am positive.

Sam Winchester: So, the toxicology report came back on Lance. Nothin'. But the medical examiner said his body showed clear signs that he was killed by Belladonna.
Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury: The pornstar?
Sam Winchester: The poison.
Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury: Oh.


Dean Winchester: Wow. Guy goes to Purgatory for a year, all hell breaks loose. Check this out. Jogger in Minneapolis gets his heart ripped out.
Sam Winchester: I'm guessing literally.
Dean Winchester: Only way that interests me. And then, there's another article from six months ago. Same thing happens, also in Minneapolis. What's that tell us?
Sam Winchester: Stay out of Minneapolis.

Sam Winchester: Hey, ok. Look, it's ok. You're ok, you're ok.
Dean Winchester: Sorry, just had to make sure.
Jeffrey: Make sure of what, that I peed my pants today?

Bobby Singer: Well, that's the bad news. Our pal Cass didn't stop in last night just to mend fences.
Dean Winchester: What did he do?
Bobby Singer: Stole something.
Dean Winchester: What?
Bobby Singer: The journal of one Moishe Campbell.
Sam Winchester: "Moishe"?
Bobby Singer: Of the New York Campbells.
Sam Winchester: Uh, so we gotta get it back, right?
Bobby Singer: Or just read the copy I already made. Hi. Glad to meet you. Bobby Singer, paranoid bastard.

Sam Winchester: Well, you know what? Maybe it's like iron or silver, you know? Hurts them, not us.
Dean Winchester: Maybe, but a fat lot of good it does us till we find that bitch.
Bobby Singer: I'm looking, but I'm thinking maybe it's time you made a call.
Dean Winchester: Why's it always gotta to be me, huh? It's not like Cass lives in my ass. The dude's busy.
Dean Winchester: Cass, get out of my ass.
Castiel: I was never in your...

Sam Winchester: So, Mel Gibson really took a turn this past year. Huh?
Dean Winchester: Or he's possessed. Seriously, think about it.

Dean Winchester: Holy sh...! UFO! UFO!
Sam Winchester: Whoa, dude, stop yelling. You're breaking up. I didn't catch that last part.
Dean Winchester: Close encounter! Close encounter!
Sam Winchester: Close encounter? What kind? First, second?
Dean Winchester: They're after me!
Sam Winchester: Third kind already? You better run, man. I think the fourth kind's a butt thing.
Dean Winchester: Empathy, Sam! Empathy!

Sam Winchester: Working with a demon, huh? You're not who I thought you were.
Samuel Campbell: You don't know anything about me, son.
Dean Winchester: So what's so important that you're the king of Hell's cabana boy, huh? What'd he offer you? Girls, money? Hair?

Dean Winchester: Well, he puts the "ass" in "Cass," huh?
Sam Winchester: He's definitely off.
Dean Winchester: Off? He hasn't been right since he got back from purgatory. We still don't know how he got out of there.
Sam Winchester: I don't know, Dean. If he's so sketchy, then why were you praying to him?
Castiel: You know, I can hear you both. I am a celestial being.

Dean Winchester: How you doin'?
Kali: No.
Dean Winchester: But...
Kali: No.
Dean Winchester: Oh, lady, I'm just, you know...
Kali: I understand. And, no.


Sam Winchester: Oh, and Chuck, if you want keep writing Supernatural books, it's okay with us.
Chuck Shurley: Wow. Really?
Sam Winchester: No, not really. We have guns and we'll find you.


Sam Winchester: You seem pretty cheery.
Dean Winchester: Strippers Sammy, strippers. We are on an actual case involving strippers. Finally.

Dean Winchester: Crap... So, what now?
Sam Winchester: We could tell them the truth.
Dean Winchester: Really?
Sam Winchester: No, not really.

Dean Winchester: Sam!
Sam Winchester: Yeah?
Dean Winchester: To much information!
Sam Winchester: Hey, I told you I was coming clean.
Dean Winchester: Yeah, but now I feel dirty.

Dean Winchester: So we're talking ghosts?
Sam Winchester: Yeah.
Dean Winchester: Zombies?
Sam Winchester: Mm-hmm.
Dean Winchester: Leprechauns?
Sam Winchester: Dean.
Dean Winchester: Those little dudes are scary. Small hands.

Dean Winchester: So we're talking ghosts?
Sam Winchester: Yeah.
Dean Winchester: Zombies?
Sam Winchester: Mm-hmm.
Dean Winchester: Leprechauns?
Sam Winchester: Dean.
Dean Winchester: Those little dudes are scary. Small hands.

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