Dr. Gregory House: You know how you hate it when I meddle in your lies... uh, I mean your life?Dr. James Wilson: Why are you being so evasive unless you have something to evade?
Dr. Eric Foreman: If a human being had actually looked at his blood anywhere along the way, instead of just running tests through the computer, parasites would have jumped right out at them.Dr. Allison Cameron: Price of the electronic age.
Teacher: Rachel had a great time, played with everything. She's a very clever girl. I'm sorry to ask this, but we've had some problems with parents coaching kids. Rachel caught on to our toys unusually quickly, and she even knew the game was called Feed the Monkey.Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Well, as eager as I am to have her go here, I promise you, I would never do that. Hey, Rachel, have you ever played Feed the Monkey before?Rachel Cuddy: ...No, Mama.
You've been working for House for two weeks. It's already too long.