She does the detecting and I do the insulting.
Read more Patrick Jane QuotesFrom: The Mentalist
Ben Machado: I didn't know you were cops.Kimball Cho: What? You thought we were selling magazine subscriptions?
Victor Bandino: Real fancy résumé, this guy. Graduated from Eton and Oxford. Last employer was some hot-shot prep school back east.Patrick Jane: Eh, I wouldn't be so sure.Victor Bandino: Excuse me?Patrick Jane: The facial scar. Eton boy gets a cut on his head, he needs a plastic surgeon he gets a plastic surgeon. My guess, the whole résumé's a fairy tale.Victor Bandino: Excuse me?Patrick Jane: You're excused.
Madeleine Hightower: [to Rigsby, Van Pelt & Lisbon] You work together, you develop feelings. Nothing wrong with that. But you know very well it's against CBI rules, and like I tell my kids: rules are rules. If you want to stay together that's your choice, but one of you has to transfer out of the unit. If you both want to stay in the unit, then you can't be together. That's what it is. Give me your decision by tomorrow at the latest... Questions?Grace Van Pelt: No ma'am.