Nadia Quotes

Latest Nadia quotes from American Pie


Nadia chatacter image

Nadia is played by Shannon Elizabeth in American Pie.


Finch : So, ah, would you object if I said you were quite striking?
Stifler's Mom : Mister Finch, are you trying to seduce me?
Finch : Yes ma'am, I am. image

Finch : So, ah, would you object if I said you were quite striking?
Stifler's Mom : Mister Finch, are you trying to seduce me?
Finch : Yes ma'am, I am.


 So uh,

So uh, "shaved" is the expression?


Stifler's Mom : I got some scotch.
Finch : Single malt?
Stifler's Mom : Aged eighteen years. The way I like it.


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