The Sting Quotes
Best The Sting Movie Quotes
The Sting
Directed by: George Roy Hill
Written by: David S. Ward
Starring: Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw
Released on: December 25, 1973
The Sting Quotes
Henry Gondorff: You not gonna stick around for your share?
Johnny Hooker: Nah. I'd only blow it.
Floyd: Doyle, I KNOW I gave him four THREES. He had to make a SWITCH. We can't let him get away with that.
Doyle Lonnegan: What was I supposed to do - call him for cheating better than me, in front of the others?
The name's Lonnegan! Doyle Lonnegan! You're gonna remember that name or you're gonna get yourself a new game! You follow?
Doyle Lonnegan: Mr. Shaw, we usually require a tie at this table... if you don't have one we can get you one.
Henry Gondorff: That'd be real nice of you, Mr. Lonniman!
Doyle Lonnegan: Lonnegan.
You follow?
You see that fella in the red sweater over there? His name's Donnie McCoy. Works a few of the protection rackets for Cunnaro when he's waiting for something better to happen. Donnie and I have known each other since we were six. Take a good look at that face, Floyd. Because if he ever finds out I can be beat by one lousy grifter, I'll have to kill him and every other hood who wants to muscle in on my Chicago operation.
Johnny Hooker: Hey, where's June?
Loretta: She quit. I'm filling in for a couple of days, till I can get a train outta here.
Johnny Hooker: Yeah? Where ya going?
Loretta: I don't know. Depends on which train I get on.
Johnny Hooker: Luther! Good God, we're millionaires!
Luther: Jesus! Did you know he was that loaded?
Johnny Hooker: Hell no. I just cut into him. I woulda settled for pawning one of them shoes.
Sorry I'm late. I was taking a crap.
Tough luck, Lonnehan. But that's what you get for playing with your head up your ass!
Johnny Hooker: Can you get a mob together?
Henry Gondorff: After what happened to Luther, I don't think I can get more than two, three hundred guys.
Not only are you a cheat, you're a gutless cheat as well.
Doyle Lonnegan: I put it all on Lucky Dan; half a million dollars to win.
Kid Twist: To win? I said place! "Place it on Lucky D-" That horse is gonna run second!
Doyle Lonnegan: There's been a mistake! Gimme my money back!
Johnny Hooker: He's not as tough as he thinks.
Henry Gondorff: Neither are we.
Henry Gondorff: Glad to meet you, kid. You're a real horse's ass.
Johnny Hooker: Luther said I could learn something from you. I already know how to drink.
Johnny Hooker: I gave him the breakout just like you said.
Henry Gondorff: And?
Johnny Hooker: 'S good. He threatened to kill me.
Henry Gondorff: Hell, kid, they don't do that, you know you're not getting to 'em.
Henry Gondorff: Is Lonnegan after you too?
Johnny Hooker: I don't know. I ain't seen anybody.
Henry Gondorff: You never do, kid.
Johnny Hooker: You're right, Henry. It's not enough. But
Johnny Hooker: it's close!
Johnny Hooker: Can you get a mob together?
Henry Gondorff: After what happened to Luther, I don't think I can get more than two, three hundred guys.
You have to keep this con even after you take his money. He can't know you took him.
Tough luck, Lonnehan. But that's what you get for playing with your head up your ass!
Henry Gondorff: Is Lonnegan after you too?
Johnny Hooker: I don't know. I ain't seen anybody.
Henry Gondorff: You never do, kid.
Johnny Hooker: I gave him the breakout just like you said.
Henry Gondorff: And?
Johnny Hooker: 'S good. He threatened to kill me.
Henry Gondorff: Hell, kid, they don't do that, you know you're not getting to 'em.
Henry Gondorff: Glad to meet you, kid. You're a real horse's ass.
Johnny Hooker: Luther said I could learn something from you. I already know how to drink.
Johnny Hooker: He's not as tough as he thinks.
Henry Gondorff: Neither are we.
You have to keep this con even after you take his money. He can't know you took him.
Henry Gondorff: You not gonna stick around for your share?
Johnny Hooker: Nah. I'd only blow it.
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