Negasonic Teenage Warhead : We're X-Men.Deadpool : No, you're X-People.Negasonic Teenage Warhead : You're X-hausting.Deadpool : I see what you did there. Puns.
Read more Wade Wilson QuotesFrom: Deadpool 2
Hey, big guy, the sun's getting real low.
Deadpool : Fuck it. Superhero landing comin' up.Deadpool : Ooh! Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. That is so not practical.
He's teamed up with the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut! That's, like, my favorite Marvel character ever, but you should never meet your heroes, because honestly, he's a bit of a dick! And like a lot of dicks, he's as hard as a rock, and causes nothing but problems!