Vanessa : Kiss me like you miss me, Red.Wade Wilson : Well, come here Wade Wilson : Don't fuck Elvis.Vanessa : Don't fuck Colossus.Wade Wilson : Wait, what?
Dopinder : I want to fill my soul. I want to belong to something, like you, Pool sir.Deadpool : Dopinder, you never cease to surprise me. You know, the depth of your heart is extraordinary. We all need a sense of belonging. We all need a genuine sense of home, a place...Dopinder : I want to become a contract killer.Deadpool : I'm sorry, what did you say?Dopinder : Remember when I kidnapped Bandhu and threatened him with great violence?Deadpool : Yeah, you kinda killed him.Dopinder : And remember the movie "Interview with the Vampire?"Deadpool : Don't want to.Dopinder : When Tom Cruise fed 10-year-old Kirsten Dunst blood for the first time. And she looked up at his smooth, handsome face and said "I want some more." Oh, Pool, picture me, a 10-year-old Kirsten Dunst.Deadpool : ...I'll never not picture that. But I can't wait to never speak of this, as soon as possible.
Cable : There's nothing I can't kill.Deadpool : Well, as Scoutmaster Kevin used to say... "There's a first time for everything,son." Give me your best shot, One-Eyed Willy.Deadpool : Those bullets were, like, super fast.
Ryan Reynolds : You're in the big leagues now, kid!Deadpool :You're welcome, Canada.