So, from our family to yours, keep your pants dry, your dreams wet, and remember, hugs not drugs.
Deadpool’s “Wet on Wet” Teaser
Read more Wade Wilson QuotesFrom: Deadpool 2
Deadpool : You time-sliding son of a bitch. You did this for me? Wait, you can't go back. You used the last of your fuel. What about your girl and your wife?Cable : No, my family's safe. And I didn't do it for you. No, I'm gonna stick around for a while and make sure the world doesn't shit itself into oblivion.Deadpool : No, you did it for me.Cable : No, I didn't.Deadpool : You did.Cable : No, I didn't.Deadpool : Pretty sure you did.Cable : No, I'm positive I didn't.Deadpool : Fine. Alright, let's flip a coin, okay? Heads, you did it for me. Tails, you did it for me.Deadpool : I'm not even gonna look because you did it for me.Cable : Say it again.Deadpool : You did it for me.Cable : Jesus.
Juggernaut : I'm gonna rip you in half now.Deadpool : That is such a Juggernaut thing to say!
We're definitely naming our kid Cher!