Kevin Ryan: But let's say he was all wired up with a briefcase of money. What the hell was he doing?
Javier Esposito: It's like Lance was running some kind of half-assed sting operation.
Kate Beckett: Maybe he was. I spoke to Narcotics. The club that Lance went to is a *major* hub for drug sales. Run by a guy that you're familiar with, Castle.
Richard Castle: Is it... Is that Henry Allen Boothe?
Javier Esposito: El Jefe from "Hard Kill"?
Richard Castle: He made a career out of playing drug dealers, and then he quit acting.
Kate Beckett: And then he began living the part. Apparently, he spent so much time with drug dealers, researching his roles, that he actually became one. Narcotics hasn't been able to make a case against him, though.
Richard Castle: This is just like "Hard Kill", where Rico Cruze took down El Jefe. Only now, it's one actor taking on the other actor. But the other actor actually happens to be a drug dealer.
Kevin Ryan: But, again, why would *Lance* do this? Why would he go after Boothe?
Richard Castle: I don't know, but it's so meta. We should really talk to El Jefe.