Richard Castle: I'm telling you, ice bullet.Javier Esposito: Nah, bro. An ice bullet would still make a bullet hole.Kevin Ryan: You mean, ice hole.Richard Castle: What'd you just call me?
Richard Castle: So you, being the expert veteran of dozens of crime scenes, decided to pick up the murder weapon, to what? Ensure that we had your prints?Richard Castle: Maybe you missed the part where I said she was shot dead. When I heard the noises coming from the next room, I thought whoever killed her was coming back. So I picked up the gun to defend myself. It seemed like a very good idea at the time. That's when you, Esposito, and Annie Oakley come bursting through the door.Captain Roy Montgomery: Annie Oakley?Kevin Ryan: I kind of almost shot... Castle.Kevin Ryan: What? He had a gun.
Richard Castle: If I opened it, I was bound to be disappointed with whatever it was inside. If I never opened it, literally anything I imagined could be in there.Hayley Shipton: So you chose fantasy over reality.Richard Castle: Well, duh.Alexis Castle: But we're going to open in now, right?Richard Castle: Well, duh.
Richard Castle: I was hoping you'd still be here.Kate Beckett: I was just about to call you.Richard Castle, Kate Beckett: I think I know who the killer is.