Alexis Castle: How do you do it, Dad?
Richard Castle: Do what?
Alexis Castle: Well, that letter that you have framed in your office.
Richard Castle: My first manuscript rejection.
Alexis Castle: Yeah. How can you stand having it there?
Richard Castle: Because it drives me. And I got twenty more of those before Black Pawn ever agreed to publish "In a Hail of Bullets". That letter... that letter reminds me of what I've overcome. Rejection isn't failure.
Alexis Castle: It sure feels like failure.
Richard Castle: No, failure is giving up. Everybody gets rejected. It's how you handle it that determines where you'll end up.
Alexis Castle: My whole life has been about making sure I could get into any college I wanted. What's it about now?
Richard Castle: Give it time. You'll figure it out.
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From: Castle