Michelle Darnell Quotes

Latest Michelle Darnell quotes from The Boss

Michelle Darnell

Michelle Darnell chatacter image

Michelle Darnell is played by Melissa McCarthy in The Boss.


Let's watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre! image

Let's watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

Whoo! That batch is burnt! image

Whoo! That batch is burnt!

 Pity's all you've got. Pity's your best friend. image

Pity's all you've got. Pity's your best friend.

Thank you. Great encounter. It's always, uh, fun, and uh, I think I'm done with you. image

Thank you. Great encounter. It's always, uh, fun, and uh, I think I'm done with you.

I tried a Dorito for the first time last night. It wasn't cheese. It was... cheese adjacent, but not cheese. It was really good!


My name is Michelle Darnell, and I am the wealthiest woman in America. How wealthy am I? I wanted to come down on a golden phoenix and I sure as shit did it!


Michelle Darnell : I am amazed that the United Center is even still standing because I crushed it tonight!
Tito : You crushed it like velvet!


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