In the Name of the Father Quotes

Best In the Name of the Father Movie Quotes

In the Name of the Father

Directed by: Jim Sheridan
Written by: Gerry Conlon, Terry George
Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis, Pete Postlethwaite, Alison Crosbie
Released on: February 25, 1994
Taglines: Falsely accused. Wrongly imprisoned. He fought for justice to clear his father's name.

In the Name of the Father Quotes

I'm an innocent man. I spent 15 years in prison for something I didn't do. I watched my father die in a British prison for something he didn't do. And this government still says he's guilty. I want to tell them that until my father is proved innocent, until all the people involved in this case are proved innocent, until the guilty ones are brought to justice, I will fight on. In the name of my father and of the truth!

I'm a free man, and I'm going out the front door.

Gareth Peirce: It's not the stairs that are killing your father.
Gerry Conlon: Aye, what is it then?
Gareth Peirce: It's your lack of faith.
Gerry Conlon: Lack of faith? Faith in what?
Gareth Peirce: In yourself.
Gerry Conlon: No. I have faith in myself. Gerry Conlon. Lifer. 30-year sentence. And I know how to survive it, no problem.
Gareth Peirce: At what price?
Gerry Conlon: I'll pay the fuckin' price, don't you worry about it.
Gareth Peirce: The price for what?
Gerry Conlon: Aye. You're very good at the English, aren't you? You see, I don't understand your language. "Justice." "Mercy." "Clemency." I literally don't understand what those words mean. I'd like to put in an application to get all my teeth extracted. That way I could put my fist in my mouth and never speak another word of fuckin' English so long as I live. Do you see what I'm saying... Mrs. Peirce is it?
Gareth Peirce: Are you trying to impress me?

Well, I think they ought to take the word 'compassion' out of the English dictionary.

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