Dick Tracy Quotes

Best Dick Tracy Movie Quotes

Dick Tracy

Directed by: Warren Beatty
Written by: Chester Gould
Starring: Warren Beatty, Madonna, Al Pacino
Released on: June 15, 1990
Taglines: Their turf. Their game. Their rules. They didn't count on HIS law...

Dick Tracy Quotes

Where's Lips Manlis?

Dick Tracy : Hello, Big Boy. I've brought your garbage.

You know, Tracy, for a tough guy you do a lot of pansy things.

When do we eat?

Breathless Mahoney : What was that all about?
88 Keys : My income tax.
Big Boy Caprice : Hey!
Big Boy Caprice : Come here!
Flattop : You want me to follow him?
Big Boy Caprice : Where? To the piano?
Big Boy Caprice : That was none of your business. Come here.
Big Boy Caprice : I'm you're business.

Dick Tracy : No grief for Lips?
Breathless Mahoney : I'm wearing black underwear.
Dick Tracy : You know, it's legal for me to take you down to the station and sweat it out of you under the lights.
Breathless Mahoney : I sweat a lot better in the dark.

Dick Tracy : I'm on duty.
Breathless Mahoney : What's your day off?
Dick Tracy : Sunday.
Breathless Mahoney : It's a big world... must be Sunday somewhere

Big Boy Caprice : Tracy.
Dick Tracy : We meet again, huh? Where's Lips?
Big Boy Caprice : This is a private club, coppa. You got a membership card?

'Kid' : You two married?
Tess Trueheart : No. Would you like a broken arm?
Kid' : I don't like dames
Tess Trueheart : Good. Me neither.

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