Batwoman Quotes
Best Batwoman Tv Show Quotes
Starring: Camrus Johnson, Ruby Rose, Rachel Skarsten
Released on: Her time is now
Batwoman Quotes
Batwoman: What are you doing?
Colonel Jacob Kane: I promised you war. This is what it looks like.
Kate Kane: Believe it or not, Tommy Boy, I'm not here for a measuring contest.
Tommy Elliot: Oh, that's too bad. Speaking of being the bigger man, have you heard from Bruce?
You're not asking the right questions, Kate. What is my evil plan? Who am I targeting next? How am i going to do it? When you really need to be asking why? Why am I like this?
Kate Kane: Believe it or not, Tommy Boy, I'm not here for a measuring contest.
Tommy Elliot: Oh, that's too bad. Speaking of being the bigger man, have you heard from Bruce?
Clark Kent: Hmm. You're not Lex.
Lex Luthor: Maybe not the Lex you know. The multiverse has a way of aligning fates.
Clark Kent: What'd you do to those people?
Lex Luthor: Sent them back to their flying tin can in the sky. Let's hope they learn from this teachable moment. Now I'm here for you, not them.
Clark Kent: Whoever you are, I'm just a guy working on this farm.
Lex Luthor: You will always be my greatest enemy on any Earth. It's written in the stars and in this book or I wouldn't know that on this Earth Clark Kent is Superman. Where I come from, that would be ridiculous. He can't see past his glasses.
Clark Kent: Hmm. So what do you want?
Lex Luthor: Why, to kill you of course and every version of you across the multiverse so that if the, uh, super friends somehow find a way save existence there won't be a single Superman stand in my way.
Lex Luthor: That's Kryptonite.
Clark Kent: Which has no effect on me ever since I gave up my powers.
Lex Luthor: You gave up your powers?
Clark Kent: Can't say I miss these chats.
Lex Luthor: You were basically a God. You could fly. You could see through walls. You had super strength.
Lex Luthor: You're kidding me.
Clark Kent: That is worth more than any superpower.
Lois Lane: Hey, Clark. The girls want to show you what they've made.
Clark Kent: I think it's time for you...
Clark Kent: Ah. Still stronger.
Lex Luthor: You took all the fun out of it. Enjoy your slice of mediocrity while you can, Clark. You're all doomed anyway.
No, I'm not sleeping with someone. But can we please pause for a moment to appreciate that those words came out of your mouth?
Kate Kane: Magpie is your sister?
Reagan: Surprise.
Kate Kane: Why did she want it?
Reagan: It bought her her freedom out of Arkham.
Kate Kane: Who did she give it to?
Reagan: I don't know. I don't ask for details for exactly this reason. Besides, by now, it's lost up the food chain, she's in the wind. I told all of this to your friend.
Kate Kane: What? What friend?
Reagan: Blonde chick with the British accent. She cornered me in a parking lot, put a knife to my throat, didn't stop to give a name.
Kate Kane: I'm not a hero, Mary.
Mary Hamilton: I'm not asking you to be a hero. I'm just asking you to keep going.
Luke Fox: What is happening?
Mary Hamilton: Sorry. Doctor-vigilante confidentiality.
I've always wanted to slay a vampire.
Beth Kane: Kate, you're hurting me.
Kate Kane: Not yet, but I will.
Sophie Moore: You ever feel like you're hiding from the world.
Kate Kane: I'm literally standing in a shadow.
Batman was praised and revered, but Bruce Wayne not so much. No one knew the man beneath the cowl. You didn't let them in, Bruce, for good reason. Because even the people we love are still people at the end of the day. They act out of fear, pride, hope, pain, and sometimes, they let us down, but you know better than I do that no one can be a lone wolf forever. I have to let people in even if it's just one person and one small piece of myself at a time.
Kate Kane: How do you know who he is?
Tommy Elliot: You mean Batman?
Tommy Elliot: Oops! Did I say that out loud?
Kate Kane: How do you know that?
Tommy Elliot: Oh, because a few months ago, I paid a man to riddle me the answer. Gotta love the honorable Bruce Wayne for designing a fail-safe so he could never become too powerful in a super-suit. Such a great guy.
Kate Kane: He's your best friend.
Tommy Elliot: Yeah, he was. The bestest. Nothing could be average with Bruce. Even had to have more dead parents than me.
Kate Kane: Because he saved your mom's life?
Tommy Elliot: Oh, yeah. No, I am aware. Thanks to him, instead of collecting my inheritance, I was left wiping the spittle off of a jabbering madwoman's lips for 13 years.
Kate Kane: You wanted him dead, why wait until he's in a bulletproof suit?
Tommy Elliot: Because Bruce didn't ruin my life. Batman did. Do you know what it's like to have the villain of your story be the hero of your city? He is a monster who left me anchored to a repulsive, gold-digging bitch, and now he's gonna die.
Sophie Moore: Is this you?
Kate Kane: What? This-this dude in the picture?
Sophie Moore: The person in this picture dressed at Batman who saved my life the other night. Was that you?
Kate Kane: Anyone who knows me knows I hate Batman.
Sophie Moore: So does your dad. Which would make putting on the suit makes an incredibly reckless move.
Kate Kane: Wasn't me. Beside, if I were going to save you in a dramatic fashion, I would totally dress as Wonder Woman.
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