Kate Kane: Believe it or not, Tommy Boy, I'm not here for a measuring contest.Tommy Elliot: Oh, that's too bad. Speaking of being the bigger man, have you heard from Bruce?
Read more Kate Kane QuotesFrom: Batwoman
Batman was praised and revered, but Bruce Wayne not so much. No one knew the man beneath the cowl. You didn't let them in, Bruce, for good reason. Because even the people we love are still people at the end of the day. They act out of fear, pride, hope, pain, and sometimes, they let us down, but you know better than I do that no one can be a lone wolf forever. I have to let people in even if it's just one person and one small piece of myself at a time.
No, I'm not sleeping with someone. But can we please pause for a moment to appreciate that those words came out of your mouth?