People like you, never notice people like me.
Read more Magpie QuotesFrom: Batwoman
Sophie Moore: Is this you?Kate Kane: What? This-this dude in the picture?Sophie Moore: The person in this picture dressed at Batman who saved my life the other night. Was that you?Kate Kane: Anyone who knows me knows I hate Batman.Sophie Moore: So does your dad. Which would make putting on the suit makes an incredibly reckless move.Kate Kane: Wasn't me. Beside, if I were going to save you in a dramatic fashion, I would totally dress as Wonder Woman.
Clark Kent: Hmm. You're not Lex.Lex Luthor: Maybe not the Lex you know. The multiverse has a way of aligning fates.Clark Kent: What'd you do to those people?Lex Luthor: Sent them back to their flying tin can in the sky. Let's hope they learn from this teachable moment. Now I'm here for you, not them.Clark Kent: Whoever you are, I'm just a guy working on this farm.Lex Luthor: You will always be my greatest enemy on any Earth. It's written in the stars and in this book or I wouldn't know that on this Earth Clark Kent is Superman. Where I come from, that would be ridiculous. He can't see past his glasses.Clark Kent: Hmm. So what do you want?Lex Luthor: Why, to kill you of course and every version of you across the multiverse so that if the, uh, super friends somehow find a way save existence there won't be a single Superman stand in my way.Lex Luthor: That's Kryptonite.Clark Kent: Which has no effect on me ever since I gave up my powers.Lex Luthor: You gave up your powers?Clark Kent: Can't say I miss these chats.Lex Luthor: You were basically a God. You could fly. You could see through walls. You had super strength.Lex Luthor: You're kidding me.Clark Kent: That is worth more than any superpower.Lois Lane: Hey, Clark. The girls want to show you what they've made.Clark Kent: I think it's time for you...Clark Kent: Ah. Still stronger.Lex Luthor: You took all the fun out of it. Enjoy your slice of mediocrity while you can, Clark. You're all doomed anyway.
Kate Kane: Believe it or not, Tommy Boy, I'm not here for a measuring contest.Tommy Elliot: Oh, that's too bad. Speaking of being the bigger man, have you heard from Bruce?