Anica Javanovich Quotes

Latest Anica Javanovich quotes from House M.D.

Anica Javanovich

Anica Javanovich chatacter image

Anica Javanovich is played by Cynthia Nixon in House M.D..


You know, I was going to ask what a respectable doctor was doing in an OTB parlor. Somehow, that question doesn't seem relevant anymore. image

You know, I was going to ask what a respectable doctor was doing in an OTB parlor. Somehow, that question doesn't seem relevant anymore.

 It's nothing personal. Actually, I think you're doing pretty well. But I came here to work with House. image

It's nothing personal. Actually, I think you're doing pretty well. But I came here to work with House.

That poster got me laid when I got home last night, so do your worst. image

That poster got me laid when I got home last night, so do your worst.

Dr. Robert Chase: Really? George Washingbaum?
Dr. Chris Taub: He was a character in the Flintsteins.

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