Whitey Powers Quotes

Latest Whitey Powers quotes from Mystic River

Whitey Powers

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Whitey Powers is played by Laurence Fishburne in Mystic River.


Whitey Powers: The moment I laid eyes on him, I could tell he'd done time. They never lose it, you know. That tension, it settles up around their shoulders.
Sean Devine: He just lost his daughter, maybe that's what's settled in his shoulders.
Whitey Powers: No, that's in his stomach. The tension in his shoulders, that's prison.

The girl just wants to bed you; she don't wanna wed you. You don't even blink? She wants to worship at the temple of Sean Devine.

Jimmy: How long?
Whitey Powers: How long what?
Jimmy: How long till you catch my daughter's killer? I need to know.

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