Jimmy Markum Quotes

Latest Jimmy Markum quotes from Mystic River

Jimmy Markum

Jimmy Markum chatacter image

Jimmy Markum is played by Sean Penn in Mystic River.


We bury our sins here, Dave. We wash them clean. image

We bury our sins here, Dave. We wash them clean.


You do death alone, but I coulda helped her with the dyin' part. image

You do death alone, but I coulda helped her with the dyin' part.


One more time... about the boy, and I will cut you the fuck open! image

One more time... about the boy, and I will cut you the fuck open!


Is that my daughter in there? image

Is that my daughter in there?


This part... you do alone.


I know in my soul I contributed to your death.


I remember, I was more afraid of my little daughter than I ever was of being in prison.


Admit what you did.


Shut up! It's MY daughter! So shut up!


Whitey Powers: The moment I laid eyes on him, I could tell he'd done time. They never lose it, you know. That tension, it settles up around their shoulders.
Sean Devine: He just lost his daughter, maybe that's what's settled in his shoulders.
Whitey Powers: No, that's in his stomach. The tension in his shoulders, that's prison.

The girl just wants to bed you; she don't wanna wed you. You don't even blink? She wants to worship at the temple of Sean Devine.

Jimmy: How long?
Whitey Powers: How long what?
Jimmy: How long till you catch my daughter's killer? I need to know.

Celeste Boyle: He's been acting kind of nuts lately. I'm almost afraid of him. Do you know something?
Jimmy Markum: I know he was taken in by the cops this morning. I know he saw Katie the night she was murdered. Didn't tell me about it until after the cops questioned him. And I know he's got a hand that looks like it's been punching a fucking wall. Is there anything else I should know?

Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael.

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