Thor Quotes

Latest Thor quotes from Thor: Love and Thunder


Thor chatacter image

Chris Hemsworth repeats the role of Thor in the latest MCU offering Thor Love and Thunder.

Thor is played by Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Love and Thunder.


These hands were once used for battle. Now they are but humble tools for peace. image

These hands were once used for battle. Now they are but humble tools for peace.


I need to figure out exactly who I am. I want to choose my own path, and live in the moment.  image

I need to figure out exactly who I am. I want to choose my own path, and live in the moment.


My superhero-ing days are over. image

My superhero-ing days are over.


Star-lord: Remember what I told you. If you ever feel lost, just look into the eyes of the people that you love.
Star-lord: Not me!
Thor: What? Just listening.


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