Shaw Quotes

Latest Shaw quotes from Open Season


Shaw chatacter image

Shaw is played by Gary Sinise in Open Season.


It walks... like a man! image

It walks... like a man!


Gordy : Shaw, open season isn't for three days. What is that buck doing on your hood?
Shaw : It ain't my fault. I hit him while driving.
Gordy : Where, on the interstate?
Shaw : Sorta.


Shaw : Somebody's been eatin' my candy!
Shaw : Somebody's been sitting in my chair!
Shaw : Somebody... FORGOT TO FLUSH! Aaargh!


How far does this conspiracy go? How many animals are in on it? God bless America! I hope the bald eagle hasn't turned!
Shaw : Don't trust him. Pets are double agents. the moment you turn your backs, he'll shiv you.
Bobbie : Oh, no he can't. We had him fixed.


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