Sean Ambrose Quotes

Latest Sean Ambrose quotes from Mission: Impossible II (2000)

Sean Ambrose

Sean Ambrose chatacter image

Sean Ambrose is played by Dougray Scott in Mission: Impossible II (2000).


You know women, mate. Like monkeys, they are - won't let go of one branch until they've got hold of the next.


This is what's known as getting your gun off. image

This is what's known as getting your gun off.


You... BITCH! image

You... BITCH!


The ball's in your court, Mr. Hunt. image

The ball's in your court, Mr. Hunt.


You know, that was the hardest part about having to portray you, grinning like an idiot every fifteen minutes.


Sean Ambrose : You keep calling me Dimitri. You really shouldn't.
Dr. Nekhorvich : You are not Dimitri?
Sean Ambrose : No.


If you look at Hunt's operational history, and I have, you'll notice that he invariably favors misdirection over confrontation.


Feel like pleading for your life?


In just a few hours you can be assured of going down in history as the typhoid Mary of "Aus". G'day.


Go ahead, Hunt. Use it. It's not a bad way to go. A lot better than the way that bitch is going to die.


Put a sock in it.


Hugh Stamp : Why do you think she's really here?
Sean Ambrose : From her point of view or mine?
Hugh Stamp : Well, she wasn't exactly gagging for it when she left you six months ago.

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