Ricky Fitts Quotes

Latest Ricky Fitts quotes from American Beauty (1999)

Ricky Fitts

Ricky Fitts chatacter image

Ricky Fitts is played by Wes Bentley in American Beauty (1999).


 It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. Right? And this bag was just dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. That's the day I realized that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember... I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in. image

It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. Right? And this bag was just dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. That's the day I realized that there was this entire life behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember... I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in.


My dad thinks I paid for all this with catering jobs. Never underestimate the power of denial. image

My dad thinks I paid for all this with catering jobs. Never underestimate the power of denial.


She's not your friend. She's just someone you use to feel better about yourself. image

She's not your friend. She's just someone you use to feel better about yourself.


I can't believe you don't know how beautiful you are. image

I can't believe you don't know how beautiful you are.


 Welcome to America's weirdest home videos. image

Welcome to America's weirdest home videos.


I didn't mean to scare you. I just think you're interesting. image

I didn't mean to scare you. I just think you're interesting.


I'm not obsessing. I'm just curious.


Colonel Frank Fitts : You need structure. Yeah? You need discipline.
Ricky Fitts : Yes, sir. Thank you for trying to teach me. Don't give up on me, Dad.


Ricky Fitts : Excuse me for speaking so bluntly sir. But those fags make me want to puke my fucking guts out.
Colonel Frank Fitts : Well, me too son. Me too.


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