Raju Rastogi Quotes

Latest Raju Rastogi quotes from 3 Idiots

Raju Rastogi

Raju Rastogi chatacter image

Raju Rastogi is played by Sharman Joshi in 3 Idiots.


Viru Sahastrabudhhe: Raju Rastogi?
Raju Rastogi :Yes, sir!
Viru Sahastrabudhhe: How does an induction motor start?
Raju Rastogi: Vrrrrommmmmm. Vrrrrrrrooom.

Sir, I have learnt to stand up on my feet after having broken both my legs. This attitude has come with great difficulty. No sir, I can't. You may keep your job, and let me keep my attitude.

Rancho: Do you know why I come first?
Raju Rastogi: Why?
Rancho: I'm in love with machine. Engineering is my passion.

There's something going on between you both.

Pia V. Sahastrabudhhe: Thank God, after marriage my name wont be Pia Chhanchhad!
Raju Rastogi: So what is your actual name?
Rancho: Phunsukh Wangdu.
Farhan Qureshi: What?
Pia V. Sahastrabudhhe: Pia Wangdu?
Rancho: Phunsukh Wangdu.
Farhan Qureshi: Phunsukh Wangdu? Silencer's Phunsukh Wangdu?
Pia V. Sahastrabudhhe: I don't want to be named Pia Wangdu!
Rancho: Yes.
Pia V. Sahastrabudhhe: Can I keep my name after marriage?


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