Yes, those. I don't know what they are, you don't know what they are, who gives a fuck.
Read more Ellerby QuotesFrom: The Departed
Billy Costigan: Freeze!Colin Sullivan: Whoa! Put the fucking gun down!Billy Costigan: Put your fucking hands up!Colin Sullivan: Alright, alright. I can get you your money!Billy Costigan: What did you say?Colin Sullivan: I said I can get you your...Billy Costigan: [punches Sullivan across the face] You didn't come here to talk, you came here to get arrested.Colin Sullivan: You have fucking tapes of what? Costello was my informant. I was a rat? Fuck you, prove it.Billy Costigan: [standing Sullivan up] Get up!Colin Sullivan: What is this? A citzens arrest? Blow me. Only one of us is a cop here Bill. Did you hear me Bill? No one knows who you fucking are!Billy Costigan: Will you shut the fuck up!Colin Sullivan: I'm a sargeant in the Massachusetts State Police, who the fuck are you? I erased you!Billy Costigan: You erased me, huh?Colin Sullivan: Yea... shoot a cop, Einstein, watch what happens.Billy Costigan: What would happen is this bullet would go right through your fucking head!Colin Sullivan: Watch what happens!Billy Costigan: What? So you can get the parade? The bagpipes and bullshit? Fuck you! Fuck you! I'm fucking arresting you!Colin Sullivan: That's the stupidest thing you could do.Billy Costigan: Shut the fuck up!Billy Costigan: I could give a fuck if the charges don't stick... I'm still fucking arresting you.Colin Sullivan: Shit.
Fitzy: Where's your boy?Oliver Queenan: He's studying law at Notre Dame.Fitzy: Where's your fucking boy?Fitzy: Goddamn motherfucker! Now where's your fucking boy?
Frank Costello: Who let this IRA motherfucker in my bar?Frank Costello: Only kidding. How's your mother?Man in Costello's Bar: Oh... I'm afraid she's on her way out.Frank Costello: We all are. Act accordingly.