Queenan Quotes

Latest Queenan quotes from The Departed


Queenan chatacter image

Queenan is played by Martin Sheen in The Departed.


You had 1400 on your SATs, kid. You're an astronaut, not a Statie. image

You had 1400 on your SATs, kid. You're an astronaut, not a Statie.


Oliver Queenan: All cell phone signals are under surveillance, due to the courtesy of our Federal friends over there.
Ellerby: Patriot Act, Patriot Act! I love it, I love it, I love it! image

Oliver Queenan: All cell phone signals are under surveillance, due to the courtesy of our Federal friends over there.
Ellerby: Patriot Act, Patriot Act! I love it, I love it, I love it!


Oliver Queenan:   One of you mugs got a light. image

Oliver Queenan: One of you mugs got a light.


My theory on Feds is that they're like mushrooms, feed 'em shit and keep 'em in the dark


We deal in deception here. What we do not deal with is self-deception.


Oliver Queenan: You don't have much family.
Billy Costigan: I don't have any family.


Oliver Queenan: You're a worker. You rise fast.
Dignam: Like a 12-year-old's dick.
Colin Sullivan: Thank you, Sergeant.
Dignam: My pleasure.


Billy Costigan: No, I gotta get out. I can't be doing this anymore. You know what's gonna happen?
Oliver Queenan: What?
Billy Costigan: I know he's gonna find out who I am and he's gonna fucking kill me.
Oliver Queenan: I'm really sorry... I swear to God I am. I'll get you out of this. It won't be immediately but I will get you out. Two weeks at most.


Fitzy: She didn't notice us, she must be a cop.
Delahunt: Yeah, she's probably the fucking Police Commissioner.


Fitzy: Where's your boy?
Oliver Queenan: He's studying law at Notre Dame.
Fitzy: Where's your fucking boy?
Fitzy: Goddamn motherfucker! Now where's your fucking boy?


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