Martha Rodgers: I don't know why you won't tell me where the party is?Richard Castle: Because you'll show up.
Richard Castle: What?Kate Beckett: Nothing.Kate Beckett: It's just, I'm so used to you acting like a 12-year-old all the time, it's kind of refreshing to see you as a father.Richard Castle: It makes you want me, right?Kate Beckett: And there's the 12-year-old again.
Kate Beckett: Any idea who he is?Kevin Ryan: Do you wannna?Javier Esposito: No, bro, you caught it.Kevin Ryan: You sure?Javier Esposito: Yeah, it's yours, go ahead.Kate Beckett: You know, whenever you guys are done being cute.
Martha Rodgers: And you know, nothing you can say will change how we feel. What men don't understand is, the right clothes, the right shoes, the right makeup, just... It hides the flaws we think we have. They make us look beautiful to ourselves. That's what makes us look beautiful to others.Richard Castle: Used to be... all she needed to feel beautiful was a pink tutu and a plastic tiara.Martha Rodgers: We spend our whole lives trying to feel that way again.