Lisbon, it's over. It's done. I just want you to know I'm okay. I'm gonna miss you.
Read more Patrick Jane QuotesFrom: The Mentalist
Teresa Lisbon: We're family! What you're doing is a kind of betrayal, a surrender, a defeat. You're letting Red John win!Patrick Jane: Oh please. Please, really? Okay enough. All right. No more pulling away. All right? Here, give me a hug.Teresa Lisbon: You don't mean it. I can tell.Patrick Jane: What do you mean? You can't tell. I don't mean it, but you can't tell that I don't. You're guessing.Teresa Lisbon: Yes, I can tell.Patrick Jane: How?Teresa Lisbon: I don't know. I can tell when you're lying.Patrick Jane: You can't.Teresa Lisbon: I can too.Patrick Jane: That' nonsense. You're lying. Liar, liar pants on fire.Teresa Lisbon: I'm not lying.Patrick Jane: You are.
Teresa Lisbon: Jane, we're officers of the law.Patrick Jane: You are. I don't care about the law. I care about justice. And justice says Machado deserves to suffer.Teresa Lisbon: That's not justice, it's vengeance.Patrick Jane: What's the difference?
No no no no no you're going about it all wrong detective, you're coming straight outta the gate with bad cop. I mean, you do a good bad cop, you are intimidating, I'm not gonna lie to you. But-but now let's bring good cop out. He's nicer, more pleasant, we build a rapport, you... maybe you say something like "are you thirsty?" and I say "I'd love a cup of tea."