Peter Quotes

Latest Peter quotes from Home Alone


Peter chatacter image

Peter is played by John Heard in Home Alone.


The only flying that I ever did as a kid was in the family station wagon. It wasn't to France. We used to have to go over to Aunt Laura and Uncle Arthur's house. image

The only flying that I ever did as a kid was in the family station wagon. It wasn't to France. We used to have to go over to Aunt Laura and Uncle Arthur's house.


Kate McCallister : Did I turn off the coffee?
Peter McCallister : No... I did.
Kate McCallister : Did you lock up?
Peter McCallister : Yeah.
Kate McCallister : Did we set the timers on the lights?
Peter McCallister : Yeah.
Kate McCallister : Did you close the garage?
Peter McCallister : That's it. I forgot to close the garage, that's it.
Peter McCallister : No, that's not it.
Kate McCallister : Well, what else could we be forgetting?
Kate McCallister : KEVIN!


Frank McCallister : There's no way on earth we can make this plane. It leaves in 45 minutes.
Peter McCallister : Think positive, Frank!
Frank McCallister : You be positive. I'll be realistic.


Kate McCallister : Where are the passports and tickets?
Peter McCallister : I put them in the microwave to dry em' off.


Kate McCallister : How could we do this? We forgot him.
Peter McCallister : We didn't forget him, we just miscounted.
Kate McCallister : What kind of a mother am I?
Frank McCallister : If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my reading glasses.


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