Lionel Luthor Quotes

Latest Lionel Luthor quotes from Smallville

Lionel Luthor

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Lionel Luthor is played by John Glover in Smallville.


Clark Kent: Chloe, when I heard about Lana, I went to find Lex. And I wasn't gonna let him leave there alive. The irony is I think it was the first time I ever really understood Lex. Loving someone is hard. It's difficult. But hate... hate is so... clean.
Chloe Sullivan: Maybe you need to feel this right now. I mean, anger is a natural human emotion.
Clark Kent: Well, that's just it. 'Cause when that phantom was trying to kill me and I was staring into my own eyes, I saw the monster that I could become if I wanted to. It was a reminder that I am not human.
Chloe Sullivan: Tell that to every person you've ever saved. Clark, whether you wanna see it or not, you're one of us now. And the fact you're from a galaxy far, far away just... adds character. And you know I'm here, no matter what side of nature or nurture happens to be winning out.
Clark Kent: It goes both ways, Chloe.

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