Clark Kent Quotes

Latest Clark Kent quotes from Smallville

Clark Kent

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Clark Kent is played by Tom Welling in Smallville.


Dad, I've survived a lot. But being inside that twister... I've never been so scared in my life. I couldn't see anything, and things were bouncing off me, I didn't have any control. And I know it could have been the wind, but all of a sudden I was moving toward the truck and it felt like I was willing myself to do it. I felt like I was flying. image

Dad, I've survived a lot. But being inside that twister... I've never been so scared in my life. I couldn't see anything, and things were bouncing off me, I didn't have any control. And I know it could have been the wind, but all of a sudden I was moving toward the truck and it felt like I was willing myself to do it. I felt like I was flying.


Clark Kent: I want to be the man that you made that suit for.
Martha Kent: Clark, you don't need a suit the be the world's hero.
Clark Kent: Well, when I saw those people willing to defend me, it was inspiring. It got me to thinking that, in order for The Blur to be a true beacon of hope, maybe people need to see my face, too. I've been to the future, and I saw the hero that I will become to save the city. But I also saw me - I mean... Clark Kent - disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.
Martha Kent: Well, I'm sure you still looked very handsome.
Clark Kent: Mom, I don't see how I can treat Clark Kent as a disguise. I mean, you and Dad raised me to be who I am right now - the real Clark Kent.
Martha Kent: What's real is your strength and integrity and compassion. As long as you remain honest to those things, it doesn't matter what you wear or what name you go by, because... you'll always be my son.
Clark Kent: So, you're saying that I should become that hero and step into the light?
Martha Kent: Clark, you are the light.

Clark Kent: Lana, I always thought that if I ever did meet my mother, she wouldn't live up to the idea that I had of her. But she did.
Lana Lang: Clark, I will never be as strong as your mother. And after everything I've done, I'm not sure I'm as good a person as you deserve.
Clark Kent: Lana, we all make mistakes. I'm living proof of that. It's how we come back from the mistakes that's what matters.
Lana Lang: How do you come back when you feel like you're at the point of no return?
Clark Kent: Lana, look at everything you went through to help my mother. You're not that far gone.

 We can't change the past, Kara. We can only affect the future. image

We can't change the past, Kara. We can only affect the future.


Lana Lang: Why did he just call you Kal?
Clark Kent: It's my secret identity.

Chloe Sullivan: How did you survive the geothermal explosion?
Clark Kent: It was before Dinah pressed the button. I don't know. I got out before the blast, but not fast enough to save everyone else. Chloe... I've searched everywhere. There's no sign of Lois.
Chloe Sullivan: I saw someone tacking her photo on a missing-persons report. And I keep thinking that maybe, maybe I haven't...
Clark Kent: Lost everyone.
Chloe Sullivan: You were there today, Clark, weren't you? I really needed you. Why didn't you come to me?
Clark Kent: I'm the reason Jimmy's dead. Oliver was right. I put humanity on a pedestal. It wasn't a Kryptonian beast that killed Jimmy. It was a human.
Chloe Sullivan: I was standing right here, Clark. I know full well who killed Jimmy.
Clark Kent: This place, Chloe... just get rid of it. Just walk away and don't look back.
Chloe Sullivan: You don't get it, Clark. Jimmy is here. He's watching over me. He knew me so well, he knew this place would be perfect. Jimmy wanted to know that no matter where I was in this city, I could look up here and see this beacon... the Watchtower. And look - Dinah, Oliver, and Bart all disappeared. Maybe it's up to us to bring them back home.
Clark Kent: Home? I don't have a home.

Chloe Sullivan: Hey. From the look on your face, I'm guessing "Good Morning, Metropolis" wasn't so good. Did Lois get the job?
Clark Kent: Yeah. So did I. They'd only hire us as a team.
Clark Kent: How do I get myself into these things?
Chloe Sullivan: So what's your first story?
Clark Kent: Online dating. They want us to tape ourselves on dates set up through the internet, then coffee-talk about them on the show.
Chloe Sullivan: Wow. Tackling morning television to get back into Lois' good graces. You know, this has got to be one of your bravest moves yet.

Clark Kent: Lois?
Lois Lane: Lois? Who's Lois? I'm Stiletto. I should get back to my cave.
Clark Kent: Lois, you could have a bag over your head and I'd still know it's you.
Lois Lane: Go figure. I want the Red-Blue Blue, I get the exact opposite.
Clark Kent: What do you think you're doing?
Lois Lane: What are you doing? You're supposed to be feeding Shelby. Seriously, is there any woman in your life you haven't stood up?
Clark Kent: I saw the way you looked at that scanner and I know how much you want the superhero story, so I came here to make sure you're okay. You're obviously not if you're impersonating the Stiletto.
Lois Lane: Okay, first off, it's just Stiletto. There is no "the". And second, I'm not impersonating anyone. I am Stiletto.
Clark Kent: You made up a fake superhero so you could write a story?
Lois Lane: Yeah. Stiletto's only the beginning, Clark. These heels could kick down some major doors for me. What if Stiletto could help me land a one-on-one with the Red-Blue Blur?
Clark Kent: Well, this blur, he - he avoids reporters for a reason.


Tess Mercer: What about what Lex put you through? He pretended to be your friend for how many years?
Clark Kent: I'd like to think that there was a time when Lex and I had a real friendship.
Tess Mercer: That wasn't a friendship. Clark, you were his obsession. Lex wanted so much to be like you. But he knew - he knew in his heart he never could.


Clark Kent: The last time I checked, you were in charge of LuthorCorp.
Tess Mercer: Everything but the nanotechnology dedicated to sustaining Lex's life. The bear may be hibernating, but that does not mean that he's gonna sit around and let his honey get stolen.


Clark Kent: Chloe's glad you came. I could have used some warning. You weren't planning on coming back, were you?
Lana Lang: Yeah, not until a few hours ago.
Clark Kent: So, what changed your mind? I'm not expecting you to say it was me.
Lana Lang: I read about the mysterious blur saving lives in Metropolis. I'm proud of you, Clark. It's who you should have been all along.
Clark Kent: Does that mean you're happy you left?
Lana Lang: It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. But I'm glad that I finally had the guts to do it.
Lana Lang: I would have died before I admitted this, but I used to sit on my front porch and look across the field at this barn, imagining a summer wedding here. Of course, I always thought I'd play a bigger part in it.
Clark Kent: You probably would have if I had given you Chloe's wedding gift. I had Jor-El erase all the memories that Chloe had of the real me. I wonder if that would have made things different between us.
Lana Lang: I understood the lies that you told me to protect your identity. But I could never forgive you for taking that away from me.
Clark Kent: You can't mean that. Lana, it turned your life upside down.
Lana Lang: Maybe it was exactly what it needed. I could have landed a lot of places in my life, Clark. But without you, none of them would have led me here.
Clark Kent: So that's it. It's all over. It's that easy?
Lana Lang: No. But where I am now, for the first time it feels right. Clark, I know neither of us could say it... But maybe Clark Kent and Lana Lang just weren't meant to end up together.


Clark Kent: Tell me you're sober.
Oliver Queen: Let me tell you something - I wish I wasn't sober. I can be at a cabana in Aruba right now. Instead, I'm in the middle of downtown on a rooftop with you guys.
Clark Kent: You didn't hear me complain when I had to put on green leather to protect your identity.
Oliver Queen: Clark, you made out with my girlfriend, man. What did you have to complain about?


Lois Lane: Oh, sorry to rain on your orgy, Smallville. I think I scared off your date.
Clark Kent: Where'd she go?
Lois Lane: Probably to find you two a motel room.
Clark Kent: You don't understand.
Lois Lane: What's not to understand? You were pulling a "9 1/2 Weeks" in the elevator. I mean, it may not get you a membership in the mile-high club, but, hey, you got to start somewhere.
Clark Kent: Just calm down.
Lois Lane: I am calm! I am perfectly calm! Why wouldn't I be calm? Dial down the ego, Smallville. I don't care what you do with your love life.


Clark Kent: I'll see you bright and early Monday morning.
Lois Lane: Whoa, whoa, why Monday, what do you mean bright and early?
Clark Kent: Lois, you're the one who gave me the application. You're looking at the newest recruit to the Daily Planet.
Lois Lane: That's great. What made you change your mind?
Clark Kent: I guess I wanted to be in the middle of the action.
Lois Lane: Good for you. So are you going to be starting down in the mailroom?
Clark Kent: No... I'm going to be a little closer to home.
Clark Kent: Looks like we're going to be neighbors Lane.
Lois Lane: You've got to be kidding me.


Clark Kent: Do you even know when you're lying anymore?
Lex Luthor: You know, I've stopped pretending to care whether or not you believe me, so why don't you?
Clark Kent: Because I do care, Lex. And there's a side of you that knows what's right.
Lex Luthor: Wow. Now what would I do without Clark Kent, voice of reason?
Clark Kent: That voice isn't me, Lex. It's you. There's still good inside of you. Let that voice lead you back to it.
Lex Luthor: I didn't know it would only take a brush with death to see your softer side.
Clark Kent: Trust me, Lex, there's nothing that's lost that can't be found again.

Clark Kent: Chloe, when I heard about Lana, I went to find Lex. And I wasn't gonna let him leave there alive. The irony is I think it was the first time I ever really understood Lex. Loving someone is hard. It's difficult. But hate... hate is so... clean.
Chloe Sullivan: Maybe you need to feel this right now. I mean, anger is a natural human emotion.
Clark Kent: Well, that's just it. 'Cause when that phantom was trying to kill me and I was staring into my own eyes, I saw the monster that I could become if I wanted to. It was a reminder that I am not human.
Chloe Sullivan: Tell that to every person you've ever saved. Clark, whether you wanna see it or not, you're one of us now. And the fact you're from a galaxy far, far away just... adds character. And you know I'm here, no matter what side of nature or nurture happens to be winning out.
Clark Kent: It goes both ways, Chloe.

Martha Kent: Clark, what really happened down there?
Clark Kent: When Lex pulled me out of that rubble, I saw a glimpse of something I hadn't seen in years. My friend.

Lois Lane: But I do remember seeing a whole new side of Clark Kent.
Clark Kent: Which side was that?
Lois Lane: I'll give you a hint. It starts with "H" and ends with "ero."
Clark Kent: I wasn't even wearing red and blue.
Lois Lane: Well, you've got a long ways before you can do that.


Clark Kent: You knew that Lana was pregnant, didn't you?
Chloe Sullivan: Clark, before you unload your anger on me, can I just say that I think it's incredibly unfair that everyone trusts me to keep their secrets and then they turn around and they throw me attitude for keeping someone else's secret? Look, I'm sorry that I had to take a two second breather from hiding the fact that you are an alien from another planet to protect someone else for a change! God!
Chloe Sullivan: You had that coming, you know?
Clark Kent: For the record... I prefer "intergalactic traveler" over "alien from another planet."

Chloe Sullivan: Hey. From the look on your face, I'm guessing "Good Morning, Metropolis" wasn't so good. Did Lois get the job?
Clark Kent: Yeah. So did I. They'd only hire us as a team.
Clark Kent: How do I get myself into these things?
Chloe Sullivan: So what's your first story?
Clark Kent: Online dating. They want us to tape ourselves on dates set up through the internet, then coffee-talk about them on the show.
Chloe Sullivan: Wow. Tackling morning television to get back into Lois' good graces. You know, this has got to be one of your bravest moves yet.

Oliver Queen: You know, for a guy who just got a mondo dose of kryptonite, you sure seem happy.
Clark Kent: Well, the sun is shining, Lois is going to be all right.
Chloe Sullivan: She should be fine. Dr. Emil ran every possible test on her, and she's healthy and doesn't remember a thing. Except, of course, the flowers that Clark sent to her hospital room, but who could forget five dozen roses?
Oliver Queen: Five dozen roses? Wow. That's subtle.

Oliver Queen: You know, for a guy who just got a mondo dose of kryptonite, you sure seem happy.
Clark Kent: Well, the sun is shining, Lois is going to be all right.
Chloe Sullivan: She should be fine. Dr. Emil ran every possible test on her, and she's healthy and doesn't remember a thing. Except, of course, the flowers that Clark sent to her hospital room, but who could forget five dozen roses?
Oliver Queen: Five dozen roses? Wow. That's subtle.

Alec Abrams: I wrote this when you were still Red and Blue. And I didn't really know what you looked like then, so... I like the S better.
Clark Kent: I do too.


Chloe Sullivan: Clark Kent at the keyboard? Have I been downsized in the bureaucratic world of superheroes?
Clark Kent: I just got tired waiting for you.
Chloe Sullivan: Oh, snap. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the planet.
Clark Kent: More like the wrong side of Lois. But that will never happen again.

Clark Kent: Are you okay, mom?
Martha Kent: It's just... I told myself the world needs Clark Kent even more than I do. But the truth is, I was so afraid of losing you.
Clark Kent: You'll never lose me, I'll always be here for you.
Martha Kent: You don't understand. The Book of Rao can be used to transport the Kandorians to another plane of existence.
Clark Kent: That may be the answer we need.
Martha Kent: Clark, if the Book of Rao is used to send the Kandorians away, all Kryptonians will be exiled from Earth, including you.

Clark Kent: I don't know if you're a ghost from my past or the darkness Jor-El that warned me about, but this will come to an end, just like I did the last time.
Brainiac 5: I hope so for your sake.
Clark Kent: My sake? You sent the person I love away. You tried to destroy Chloe, you tried to destroy the world.
Brainiac 5: And you saved me from all of that, Kal-El. I have come back to do the same for you.
Clark Kent: The Legion. You're from the future. What'd you do to them?
Brainiac 5: I joined them. In the 31st century, I'm known as Brainiac 5. The ring, time travel - all my creations. I brought the league into a new realm of heroism.
Clark Kent: I helped them destroy you.
Brainiac 5: No. They helped you cure me. The problem is Kal-El, you and I aren't very different. We were both created in one way or another by Jor-El, both intended to save civilizations, to bring peace to a brutal world. But neither was immune to corruption to darkness.
Clark Kent: What does that mean? All of sudden everyone's telling me that I have darkness within me. I don't understand what it is or how I'm suppose to change it. You destroyed cities. I may not make the right decisions, but at least I'm trying to save people.
Brainiac 5: Then let me show you, Kal-El. We can't always see it in ourselves, my corruption started with a nanobyte - smaller than the eye can see. But that's all it took.


Clark Kent: You got to go.
Oliver Queen: What, the window? What are we, 16?
Clark Kent: Now.


Clark Kent: Emil finally finished working through the files we found after the fire. There's one body still unaccounted for - LX-15. There's another Lex on the loose.
Tess Mercer: Why look here? I closed the book on this place months ago.
Clark Kent: Supplies are still being sent here.
Tess Mercer: Someone's helping him survive, but you're assuming he's a threat just because he's a Luthor. What ever happened to everyone deserving a second chance?
Clark Kent: No, Luthor blood is Luthor blood. It's poison.


Lois Lane: Are you trying to tell me that Conner is the genetic love child of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor?
Clark Kent: You don't have to say it like that.


Oliver Queen: If I'd known about the long drop in, I would have brought some rappelling equipment.
Clark Kent: If I'd have known you'd ignore my warning to come here, I would have told you to bring it! I know what I'm doing! You should have trusted me.
Oliver Queen: You should have more faith in your friends, Clark. I came here to help you. Wherever the hell this is.


Lana Lang: It all makes sense.
Clark Kent: Lana, help me.
Lana Lang: The meteor shower... You came the same day. How could I be stupid?
Clark Kent: The meteor shower is the reason I'm here. I'm from a planet called Krypton. Lana, I wanted to tell you. I didn't think you'd accept me.
Lana Lang: You're not even human?
Clark Kent: Lana, no. Please, that stuff makes me sick.
Lana Lang: My parents are gone because of you. I'm never gonna see them again. You killed my parents.


Coach Walt Arnold: Yeah, I remember. Jonathan Kent was one of the best athletes I ever coached. A lot of God-given talent. It's in your genes, Kent.
Clark Kent: Actually, I'm adopted.


Cassandra Carver: Because we both know... you're not like other people.
Clark Kent: Sure I am...
Cassandra Carver: No Clark, I've seen you. Before we ever met. More than once, I've touched people and seen such pain and dispair and - But then you were there and the pain was gone. I think that's your destiny, Clark. To save people from fear and darkness. You can fear the future or you can embrace it. The choice is yours.


Clark Kent: I didn't know you were such a history buff.
Lex Luthor: I'm not. I'm just interested in people who ruled the world before they were thirty.

Lex Luthor: Your new-found advocacy wouldn't have anything to do with a beautiful doe-eyed crusader, would it? Your mother told me about Kyla.
Clark Kent: You ever wondered if you were destined to be with someone?
Lex Luthor: You're asking someone who's fighting his destiny his entire life. I'm a little surprised to see you moved on so quickly. What happened to Lana?
Clark Kent: It's a completely different feeling when the person likes you back.

Lex Luthor: It's hard to imagine working for a man who can enrage four people to the point where any one of them had the motive to kill him.
Clark Kent: Even you.
Lex Luthor: You know that darkness you were talking about? I'm not sure we're born with it. I think people like my father find a way to bring it out.

Chloe Sullivan: Sorry, Clark, when you turned in your press pass, you relinquished all of your computer privileges. I don't mean to be hall monitor, but it is school policy.
Clark Kent: I'm trying to help Lana.
Chloe Sullivan: Of course you are. What are you saving her from today?
Clark Kent: She's being haunted by a girl who died six years ago.
Chloe Sullivan: Okay, I'm piqued. Go on.

Clark Kent: I'm glad you're here. I wanted to talk to you about what happened yesterday in the truck.
Lana Lang: Right. I, uh... I wanted to talk to you about that, too.
Clark Kent: I was way out of line. I was feeling vulnerable, but I don't expect...
Lana Lang: Clark, um... the reason I pulled away... is that I, uh... I met someone at the hospital.
Clark Kent: Oh.
Lana Lang: And I'm not sure how I feel about him.
Clark Kent: Well, I mean, the fact you're telling me about him means you already know.


Jonathan Kent: Look, there's a lot of things that you can do, but causing cardiac arrest is not one of them.
Clark Kent: Last time you were at the doctor's, they said you had the heart of a twenty year old. Just before I went to Metropolis.
Jonathan Kent: If you're suggesting that your biological father has anything to do with this...
Clark Kent: He gave you powers to bring me home that no human was meant to have, and I don't think your heart could handle it.
Martha Kent: Clark, no. There were other factors.
Clark Kent: If I hadn't put on that ring, and abandoned you and mom when you needed me most, you wouldn't be lying here in this bed.
Jonathan Kent: As hard as this is for you to believe, not everything that goes wrong in Smallville is Clark Kent's fault.


Clark Kent: Hey, Chloe, can I...?
Chloe Sullivan: Yeah, sure.
Clark Kent: I think I heard something.
Adam Knight: You lied to me!
Lana Lang: That's Adam. But I haven't spoken to him since he left.
Chloe Sullivan: Clark, how did you hear that?
Clark Kent: Guess I missed too many Linkin Park concerts.

Clark Kent: Hey, Chloe, can I...?
Chloe Sullivan: Yeah, sure.
Clark Kent: I think I heard something.
Adam Knight: You lied to me!
Lana Lang: That's Adam. But I haven't spoken to him since he left.
Chloe Sullivan: Clark, how did you hear that?
Clark Kent: Guess I missed too many Linkin Park concerts.

Clark Kent: You told me you stopped investigating me.
Lex Luthor: I did.
Clark Kent: You did? Then what is this?
Lex Luthor: I understand how you could think this is all about you... but, in fact, it's about me.
Clark Kent: More lies.
Lex Luthor: So much of my own life I can't explain. I survived countless brushes with death, and it all started with this car crash. If I'm guilty of anything, it's that I've inherited my father's eccentric curiosity for the unexplained.
Clark Kent: You've inherited his dishonesty.
Lex Luthor: Clark, look me in the eye and tell me you don't have any hidden places of your own, where you keep your deep, dark secrets.
Clark Kent: Ever since I've met you, I've been defending you, making excuses for you to people like Pete, like my parents, telling them "You can trust Lex Luthor. He's a good guy. He's nothing like his father." I was wrong.

Lois Lane: I'm glad you made the team, Clark, but why be a conformist? At least with the whole farm boy plaid thing, as lame as it is, it completely belongs to you.
Clark Kent: In the future, let's restrict our conversations to "hello" and "goodbye."


Jonathan Kent: Clark. What are you doing?
Clark Kent: You know what Mikhail said. He'd hurt those guys if I wasn't out there.
Jonathan Kent: A bunch of 250 pound guys banging into each other on a football field is one thing. But getting hit by you is like getting run over by a freight train. It's a big difference, son.
Clark Kent: I hope that doesn't happen. I think Chloe and I found a way to stop Mikhail.
Jonathan Kent: Oh, Chloe and you think you've found a way to stop him. Well, I'm sorry, son, thinking is not good enough.
Clark Kent: Dad, I know you don't agree with me, but sometimes taking responsibility means having faith in yourself to make the hard choices.
Jonathan Kent: And it also means being willing to accept the consequences.
Clark Kent: Every handshake, every hug, every time I'm out on that field, I make a conscious decision to fall when those guys hit me so they don't get hurt. No matter how hard you try, you can't understand that. That's why it's my decision, not yours.
Jonathan Kent: [heavy sigh] You're starting to sound more and more like your father.
Clark Kent: I hope so, dad.


Lois Lane: Well, I guess it's best that neither of us remembers. I mean, I can't even really picture the two of us... You don't think that we...
Clark Kent: Think that we what?
Lois Lane: You know... that we...
Clark Kent: No, Lois. I think I'd remember.
Lois Lane: Yeah. 'Course you would. Highlight of your life.
Clark Kent: Though I did find something. I think you made it for me.
Lois Lane: Whitesnake. Wow. I must have really liked you.


Clark Kent: So what're you gonna do? Are you gonna go stay with Chloe?
Lois Lane: They've got a tiny one-bedroom apartment. I can't do that to them. It's fine, really, I'm just gonna check into a motel and when the money runs out, I can always sleep in my car. The backseat's not too bad if you bend your knees and avoid the drive train and then, you know, if I have to sell my car for food, that's okay too. I've always dreamed of being a hobo, riding the rails, cooking beans over roadside fires...
Clark Kent: If you want, I guess you can stay with us.
Lois Lane: You're a lifesaver! God, am I in need of a hot shower! Don't worry, Smallville. I'll try to keep it under a half hour.
Clark Kent: What just happened?


Clark Kent: So it must've been kind of strange to have a zombie best friend walking around.
Chloe Sullivan: Yeah, I mean, you know, I never really realized how complicated that zombie's life was.
Clark Kent: Complicated? Did I do something unusual?
Chloe Sullivan: You had a clean slate to start all over with, and you made all the same choices... except for one.
Clark Kent: Chloe, I need you to be completely honest with me.
Chloe Sullivan: Honest, huh?
Clark Kent: What'd I do?
Chloe Sullivan: You trusted me.

Lois Lane: Look, I - I just want you to know, Clark, that when I'm sitting in the audience today at your graduation and you stand on at that stage in front of all those people, I'm going to be looking up at you and thinking one thing.
Clark Kent: What's that?
Lois Lane: Please, God, don't let him trip.


Chloe Sullivan: There are still a few blind spots, though. Like, how did we get beamed from the Kawatche cave to the North Pole? And, uh, what was really going on in that 40-story igloo?
Clark Kent: Well, Chloe, there's a lot of things about me that even I don't understand. The meteor rocks... They didn't make me who I am.
Chloe Sullivan: So you're saying you were born this way?
Clark Kent: I wasn't born anywhere near Smallville. In fact, I wasn't born anywhere near this galaxy.
Chloe Sullivan: Okay. Okay, so that would then make you, like, an...
Clark Kent: Yeah.
Chloe Sullivan: Uh, but you... You look so...
Clark Kent: Human? I'm still the same person.
Chloe Sullivan: Clark, I... I... I think you're so amazing. You save people's lives and take zero credit for it. To me, you're more than just a hero. You're a superhero.
Clark Kent: Chloe.
Chloe Sullivan: I'm serious, Clark. If more humans were like you, the world would be a better place.

Arthur Curry: Maybe we should start up a Junior Lifeguard Association or something.
Clark: I'm not sure I'm ready for the JLA quite yet.


Milton Fine: You've been on this planet many years, Kal-El. I had to observe you before revealing myself to determine just how much you've been influenced by these... humans.
Clark Kent: You say "human" like it's a bad thing.
Milton Fine: Just going on what I've seen. This race shows promise, but at this point in history, they're still duplicitous by their very nature. Even the ones you think you love can't be trusted.
Clark Kent: You don't know anything about this race. Yeah, they can be petty and dishonest and betray each other over nothing. But they can also be honest and loyal and they would give up everything to protect someone they love... even if they were from another planet.
Milton Fine: Kal-El...
Clark Kent: My name is Clark. And I'll always believe in my friends and my family.


Chloe Sullivan: So, I know you didn't come by this late at night just to drop off this press release. What happened?
Clark Kent: Well, how far do you want to cross this friendship boundary?
Chloe Sullivan: Since when did we have boundaries?
Chloe Sullivan: All right, why don't you just leave out the details?
Clark Kent: Well... everything was fine between Lana and I when I was human. I mean, it was great.
Chloe Sullivan: Okay, Clark...
Clark Kent: But now that I have my abilities back, it's like our... sex life has been on hiatus.
Chloe Sullivan: Oh! Uh... I know I'm gonna regret asking this question, but, um... why?
Clark Kent: 'Cause it just takes some time for me to adjust my abilities to new... situations.
Chloe Sullivan: Wow. Uh... awkward factor eight. Um... so, basically what you're saying is that... you're afraid that in the heat of the moment, you might... please don't make me finish this sentence, Clark.
Clark Kent: Well, see, that's the thing. I'm not sure what would happen. I mean, if I couldn't control myself...
Chloe Sullivan: Okay, you know what, Clark? Right there? That's something that can never been unseen.
Clark Kent: It's not funny.
Chloe Sullivan: No, you're right, it's not. It's just that this conversation definitely cements me as your Krypto-hag. Look, Clark, you can shake my hand without crushing it, right? And you don't exactly incinerate everyone you look at with your heat vision thing, so... it's pretty much the same thing, right? I mean metaphorically. But you didn't need me to tell you allthis, so what gives?
Clark Kent: I think I got used to lying to Lana when we were friends. Now it's different.
Chloe Sullivan: Yeah. You know, Clark, I mean, I'm playing my best zone defense, but I think you're in denial territory about what Lana knows. I mean, she's studying astronomy. The meteors, the fact that the undead topic comes up daily.
Clark Kent: Well, I can't just tell her. It's too risky.
Chloe Sullivan: Okay, fine, Clark, then don't tell her about it. But your game needs to switch from defense to offense, because sooner or later, Lana's gonna start asking all the wrong people all the right questions.

Chloe Sullivan: Clark, what really happened out there?
Clark Kent: I should have listened to you, Chloe. You tried to warn me. I had my hand around that guy's throat. And I thought if I just kept squeezing the life out of him, then it would make everything right again.
Chloe Sullivan: God, Clark. But you didn't?
Clark Kent: No.
Chloe Sullivan: What made you stop?
Clark Kent: My dad's voice. This is gonna sound weird, but I... I could hear him. He was the one who always kept me from going over the edge when I was too close.
Chloe Sullivan: It's too bad Andrea didn't step back in time. I think Metropolis could really use someone like her right now. Do you think you could ever do what she did? Play the mild-mannered reporter by day and a crime fighter by night?
Clark Kent: Honestly, I'm kind of hoping I can find a way to not have to hide who I really am.

Martha Kent: You're an adult now, Clark, in an adult relationship, and they rarely end the way we want them to.
Clark Kent: You know, I just didn't know what else to do. It was either make a clean break or tell her my secret.
Martha Kent: Yeah. I know you didn't tell Lana the truth because you wanted to protect her, but maybe there was actually more to it.
Clark Kent: What do you mean?
Martha Kent: Do you think you didn't tell her because maybe, deep down, you didn't think she was the one?
Clark Kent: I'll always love Lana.
Martha Kent: I know. That's why you did this. But you didn't just break her heart, Clark. You gave her reason to hate you. I just hope her anger doesn't drive her to do something we'll all regret.

Lex Luthor: Lana called me. I don't want to hear you were rifling through her stuff like a crazy roommate again. If you want something from me, don't go running to Lana to find it. You really crossed the line.
Clark Kent: All those years we were friends, were you just waiting for me to step aside so you could swoop in and make your move?
Lex Luthor: I don't know, Clark. All those years you told Lana you loved her, were you just waiting to walk away and break her heart? Look, there's a natural tendency to blame the person who's replaced you; I get that. But I didn't take Lana from you. You lost her all by yourself.

Oliver Queen: This is funny. You know, the way Lois talked about you, I thought you were gonna be a little bit more of a...
Clark Kent: Little more what? Of a geek?
Lois Lane: Well, you're not exactly jumping the velvet ropes at nightclubs, so...
Clark Kent: It's really nice to see that Lois has found someone who can overlook her personality.
Oliver Queen: Oh, don't worry about it, Clark. If I lived under the same roof with such a beautiful woman, I probably would've mask my feelings in sarcasm, too.


Lana Lang: Do you ever wish that you could go back in time and... everything would be different?
Clark Kent: All the time.


Lana: Nietzsche? I didn't know you have a dark side, Clark.
Clark: Doesn't everyone?
Lana: So what are you: Man or Superman?
Clark: I haven't figured it out yet.


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