Jim Neimann Quotes

Latest Jim Neimann quotes from Whiplash (2014)

Jim Neimann

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Jim Neimann is played by Paul Reiser in Whiplash (2014).


Uncle Frank : You got any friends, Andy?
Andrew : No.
Uncle Frank : Oh, why's that?
Andrew : I don't know, I just never really saw the use.
Uncle Frank : Well, who are you going to play with otherwise? Lennon and McCartney, they were school buddies, am I right?
Andrew : Charlie Parker didn't know anybody 'til Jo Jones threw a cymbal at his head.
Uncle Frank : So that's your idea of success, huh?
Andrew : I think being the greatest musician of the 20th century is anybody's idea of success.
Jim : Dying broke and drunk and full of heroin at the age of 34 is not exactly my idea of success.
Andrew : I'd rather die drunk, broke at 34 and have people at a dinner table talk about me than live to be rich and sober at 90 and nobody remembered who I was.
Uncle Frank : Ah, but your friends will remember you, that's the point.
Andrew : None of us were friends with Charlie Parker. *That's* the point.
Uncle Frank : Travis and Dustin? They have plenty of friends and plenty of purpose.
Andrew : I'm sure they'll make great school board presidents someday.
Dustin : Oh, that's what this is all about? You think you're better than us?
Andrew : You catch on quick. Are you in Model UN?
Travis : I got a reply for you, Andrew. You think Carleton football's a joke? Come play with us.
Andrew : Four words you will never hear from the NFL.
Aunt Emma : Who wants dessert?


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