Jason Bourne Quotes

Latest Jason Bourne quotes from Jason Bourne (2016)

Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne chatacter image

Jason Bourne is played by Matt Damon in Jason Bourne (2016).


The next bullet's in your head! image

The next bullet's in your head!


 I remember. I remember everything. image

I remember. I remember everything.


I volunteered because I thought our enemies killed him. I volunteered because of a lie.


That was the day he was killed! They said he was killed by terrorists. He wasn't killed by terrorists, was he?


Jason Bourne : I know who I am. I remember everything.
Nicky Parsons : Remembering everything doesn't mean you know everything.

Jason Bourne : I told you, Christian Dassault is going to get you killed.
Nicky Parsons : We don't have a choice, Jason. It started again. A new program. Iron Hand. It's even worse than before.
Jason Bourne : What's that got to do with me?
Nicky Parsons : Because it matters. It matters.
Jason Bourne : Not to me, it doesn't. All that matters is staying alive. You get off the grid, survive.
Nicky Parsons : I don't believe that and neither do you. Look at yourself. Look at what you're doing. You can't live like this for much longer.

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