James Bond Quotes

Latest James Bond quotes from GoldenEye 1995

James Bond

James Bond chatacter image

James Bond is played by Pierce Brosnan in GoldenEye 1995.


Jack Wade : Ah, an ex-KGB guy. Tough mother. Got a limp in his right leg. Name's Zukovsky.
James Bond : Valentin Dmitrovitch Zukovsky?
Jack Wade : Yeah, you know him?
James Bond : I gave him the limp.


James Bond : Who is the competition? image

James Bond : Who is the competition?


Beg your pardon, forgot to knock. image

Beg your pardon, forgot to knock.


 The things we do for frequent flyer mileage. image

The things we do for frequent flyer mileage.


Governments change. The lies stay the same. image

Governments change. The lies stay the same.


James Bond : Are these pictures live?
M : Unlike the American government, we prefer not to get our bad news from CNN.


M : You don't like me, Bond. You don't like my methods. You think I'm an accountant, a bean counter more interested in my numbers than your instincts.


James Bond : The thought had occurred to me.
M : Good, because I think you're a sexist, misogynist dinosaur. A relic of the Cold War, whose boyish charms, though wasted on me, obviously appealed to that young woman I sent out to evaluate you.
James Bond : Point taken.


Jack Wade : Jack Wade, CIA.
James Bond : James Bond, stiff-ass Brit.


She always did enjoy a good squeeze.


Caroline : James, is it really necessary to drive quite so fast?
James Bond : More often than you'd think.


Governments change... the lies stay the same.


Shut the door Alec! There's a draft!


M : So - GoldenEye exists.
James Bond : Yes.


Jack Wade : Hello, Jimbo! Well, a little gift from ol', eh, what's his name? T? Z?
James Bond : Q.


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James Bond quotes
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