Archie Andrews Quotes

Latest Archie Andrews quotes from Riverdale

Archie Andrews

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Archie Andrews is played by K.J. Apa in Riverdale.


Reggie Mantle: I mean let's think about it: if a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not gonna be a jock right? No let's be honest. Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic internet troll too busy writing his manifestos to get laid? Some smug, moody, serial killer, fanboy freak... like Jughead?
Reggie Mantle: What was it like, suicide squad? When you killed Jason? You didn't do stuff to the body like... after?
Jughead Jones: It's called necrophilia, Reggie... Can you spell it?
Reggie Mantle: Come here, you little-!
Archie Andrews: Hey shut the hell up, Reggie!
Veronica Lodge: Boys...
Reggie Mantle: What do you care, Andrews?
Archie Andrews: Nothing, just leave him alone.

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