Harry Wilson Quotes

Latest Harry Wilson quotes from 90210

Harry Wilson

Harry Wilson chatacter image

Harry Wilson is played by Rob Estes in 90210.


Harry Wilson: [watching Dixon and Silver singing karaoke] After this, my mother's gonna do her big closing number. I think we should pull the plug on karaoke and get out the cake.
Debbie Wilson: Oh, but the kids really seem to be enjoying her. I mean, how bad could it be?
Harry Wilson: I... I think that it involves pasties.
Debbie Wilson: I'll get the birthday girl. image

Harry Wilson: [watching Dixon and Silver singing karaoke] After this, my mother's gonna do her big closing number. I think we should pull the plug on karaoke and get out the cake.
Debbie Wilson: Oh, but the kids really seem to be enjoying her. I mean, how bad could it be?
Harry Wilson: I... I think that it involves pasties.
Debbie Wilson: I'll get the birthday girl.


Tabitha Wilson: Did you kick his ass?
Harry Wilson: Mom.
Tabitha Wilson: What? That's not the first thing you thought of when you heard he was in a fight. Then maybe that's why he lost.
Dixon Wilson: I didn't lose.
Tabitha Wilson: Never worry about being fair. Just grab onto those jewels and twist them like a garbage bag.

Annie Wilson: Dad, you are not going tell any stupid jokes during dinner.
Harry Wilson: When you say "stupid", you mean "hilarious", right?

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