Virgil Malloy Quotes

Latest Virgil Malloy quotes from Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Virgil Malloy

Virgil Malloy chatacter image

Virgil Malloy is played by Casey Affleck in Ocean's Eleven (2001).


 I'm gonna get out of the car and I'm gonna drop you like third-period French. image

I'm gonna get out of the car and I'm gonna drop you like third-period French.


Virgil Malloy : Leaving at 10:44.
Turk Malloy : 10:46, get a watch that works.


Turk Malloy : Watch it, bud.
Virgil Malloy : Who you calling bud, pal?
Turk Malloy : Who you calling pal, friend?
Virgil Malloy : Who you calling friend, jackass?
Turk Malloy : Don't call me a jackass.
Virgil Malloy : I just did call you a jackass.


Virgil Malloy : Are you a man?
Turk Malloy : Yes, nineteen.
Virgil Malloy : Are you alive?
Turk Malloy : Yes, eighteen.
Virgil Malloy : Evel Knievel.
Turk Malloy : ...shit.


Turk Malloy : Ten says he shorts it.
Frank , Livingston , Saul : Twenty!


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