Tiger Tanaka Quotes

Latest Tiger Tanaka quotes from You Only Live Twice (1967)

Tiger Tanaka

Tiger Tanaka chatacter image

Tiger Tanaka is played by Tetsurô Tanba in You Only Live Twice (1967).


 I must say I am disappointed with the ease with which I could pull you in. The one thing my honourable mother taught me long ago was never to get into a car with a strange girl. But you, I'm afraid, will get into anything. With any girl. image

I must say I am disappointed with the ease with which I could pull you in. The one thing my honourable mother taught me long ago was never to get into a car with a strange girl. But you, I'm afraid, will get into anything. With any girl.


You are James Bond, aren't you? I am so very pleased to meet you Bond-san. I really am. Permit me to introduce myself. My name is Tanaka. Please call me Tiger. image

You are James Bond, aren't you? I am so very pleased to meet you Bond-san. I really am. Permit me to introduce myself. My name is Tanaka. Please call me Tiger.


 Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond. image

Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond.


Bad news from outer space.


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