Tej Quotes

Latest Tej quotes from 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003)


Tej chatacter image

Tej is played by Ludacris in 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003).


Yo, Jimmy, man, give me the status. Tell me we good. image

Yo, Jimmy, man, give me the status. Tell me we good.


Whoa, fellas, fellas. I know my tags are outta date, but damn.


Tej : Damn, Suki, uh... When you gonna pop my clutch, huh?
Suki : As soon as you get the right set of tools.
Tej : Yeah, a'ight.


Do I even wanna know where the Skyline is, Dawg? Or where you've been for the past couple'a days? Or where the hell you got these rides from?


All right. You each got a barrel to go around down at the end of the road here. Second wave gotta sit tight till your partner crosses this line right here. First team to go down and back twice wins the race... at which point, the losers WILL hand over them keys. Otherwise, you'll be eating breakfast through straws from now on.


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