Sullivan Quotes

Latest Sullivan quotes from Monsters, Inc.


Sullivan chatacter image

Sullivan is played by John Goodman in Monsters, Inc..


 I think we stopped him, Boo. You're safe now. You be a good girl, OK? image

I think we stopped him, Boo. You're safe now. You be a good girl, OK?


Oh. So that's puce. image

Oh. So that's puce.


Hey that's my bed, you're gonna get your germs all over it. image

Hey that's my bed, you're gonna get your germs all over it.


Oh, he's a happy bear, and he's not crying, and neither should you, or we'll be in trouble, 'cause they're gonna find us... image

Oh, he's a happy bear, and he's not crying, and neither should you, or we'll be in trouble, 'cause they're gonna find us...


Sulley : Hey, that looks like Randall. Randall's your monster. You think he's gonna come out of the closet and scare you?
Sulley : Look, it's empty. No monster in here. Okay, NOW there is. I'm not gonna scare you. I'm off duty.


Sulley : Hey... may the best monster win.
Randall : I plan to.


Sulley : Boo!
Sulley : No!
CDA Agent : Hey you!
CDA Agent : Halt! He's the one! The one's from the commercial! Affirmative. That's him. Can we get an autograph?
Sulley : Oh! Oh sure! No problem!


Sulley : You think that he's gonna come through the closet and scare ya. It's empty, see...
Roz : Guess who?


Hey, did you lose weight, or a limb?


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