Snotlout Quotes

Latest Snotlout quotes from How to Train Your Dragon (2010)


Snotlout chatacter image

Snotlout is played by Jonah Hill in How to Train Your Dragon (2010).


I can't miss! What's wrong, buddy? Got somethin' in your eye? image

I can't miss! What's wrong, buddy? Got somethin' in your eye?


Snotlout : Watch out babe, I'll take care of this.
Snotlout : The sun was in my eyes, Astrid! What do you want me to do, block out the sun? I can do that, but I don't have the time right now!


Snotlout : If that dragon shows either of its faces, I'm gonna... there!
Ruffnut , Astrid : AH!
Ruffnut : Hey! It's us, idiots!
Tuffnut : Your butts are getting bigger! We thought you were a dragon!
Snotlout : Not that there's anything wrong with a dragon-esque fig...


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