Sarah Quotes

Latest Sarah quotes from Day of the Dead (1985)


Sarah chatacter image

Sarah is played by Lori Cardille in Day of the Dead (1985).


Let him go, goddamn it! Or I'll cut you in half! image

Let him go, goddamn it! Or I'll cut you in half!


McDermott : Nothing, nothing at all.
Sarah : Send again.
McDermott : I've been sending up and down the coast from Sarasota to the Everglades and still getting back the same dead air. There's nothing! There's nobody or at least nobody with a radio.
Sarah : All right then let's set down, we'll use the bullhorn.
McDermott : Set down? Wait a minute, that's not in our contract!
Sarah : It's the biggest city within 150 miles and we're going to give it every chance.
McDermott : Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Sarah : Set down, John!
John : I'll set us down. But I won't leave my seat and I'll keep the engine running. Now the first sign of trouble, I'm going up. If you ain't on board when that happens, you're likely to have a lousy afternoon.


Ted Fisher : What's he trying to prove? I once saw one of those things sitting behind the wheel of a car in D.C. trying to drive down Independence Avenue. It didn't make me want to be its friend.
Sarah : No, it isn't what this one does, but what he doesn't do! He doesn't get excited or agitated when Logan enters the room! He doesn't see Logan as...
Ted Fisher : Lunch.
Sarah : Dinner.
Ted Fisher : Breakfast.


Pvt. Rickles :  That's it, Steel! Whip it out!
Pvt. Steel : Fuckin' A! Biggest piece of meat in the cave! I don't wanna frighten the lady, though, not with her boyfriend around.
Sarah : You're incapable of exciting me, Steel, except as an anthropologic curiosity.
Pvt. Steel : Oh, what the hell does that mean, Rickles?
Pvt. Rickles : It means you're a caveman, asshole! You're a fuckin' throwback! You've been spendin' too much time underground! It's okay, Steel - throwbacks all got big dicks! image

Pvt. Rickles : That's it, Steel! Whip it out!
Pvt. Steel : Fuckin' A! Biggest piece of meat in the cave! I don't wanna frighten the lady, though, not with her boyfriend around.
Sarah : You're incapable of exciting me, Steel, except as an anthropologic curiosity.
Pvt. Steel : Oh, what the hell does that mean, Rickles?
Pvt. Rickles : It means you're a caveman, asshole! You're a fuckin' throwback! You've been spendin' too much time underground! It's okay, Steel - throwbacks all got big dicks!


Ted Fisher : Unbelievable! We've come out of the frying pan and into the fire! I thought Cooper was an asshole, but he was a sweetheart next to Rhodes. We could be in serious trouble here with him in charge. You'd better watch yourself, Sarah. I really mean physically watch yourself from now on.


Sarah : Don't worry. It wont come to that. By the way, where is Logan?
Ted Fisher : You mean Frankenstein? He's in laboratory. Where else?


Sarah : You're not all right. You're collapsing from stress. Now, let me help you...
Pvt. Miguel Salazar : Collapsing from stress? We're all collapsing. This whole fucking unit is collapsing. Everybody except you. I know you're strong, all right, so what? Stronger than me, stronger than everyone, so what? So fucking what?


McDermott : It's brandy. Good for the heart.
Sarah : Shit for the heart and it eats up your liver.


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