Ricardo Morales Quotes

Latest Ricardo Morales quotes from The Secret in Their Eyes

Ricardo Morales

Ricardo Morales chatacter image

Ricardo Morales is played by Pablo Rago in The Secret in Their Eyes.


 If you keep going over the past, you're going to end up with a thousand pasts and no future. image

If you keep going over the past, you're going to end up with a thousand pasts and no future.

You said life. image

You said life.

The worst part is I'm starting to forget. I have to constantly make myself remember her. Every day. The day she was killed, Liliana made me tea with lemon. I'd been coughing all night and she said it would help. I remember those stupid things. Can you see? Then I start having doubts and I don't remember if it was lemon or honey in the tea. And I don't know if it's a memory or a memory of a memory I'm left with. image

The worst part is I'm starting to forget. I have to constantly make myself remember her. Every day. The day she was killed, Liliana made me tea with lemon. I'd been coughing all night and she said it would help. I remember those stupid things. Can you see? Then I start having doubts and I don't remember if it was lemon or honey in the tea. And I don't know if it's a memory or a memory of a memory I'm left with.

Choose carefully. Memories are all we end up with. At least pick the nice ones.


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