Raymond Sellars Quotes

Latest Raymond Sellars quotes from RoboCop

Raymond Sellars

Raymond Sellars chatacter image

Raymond Sellars is played by Michael Keaton in RoboCop.


Make him more, uh... tactical. Make him look, uh... Let's go with black. image

Make him more, uh... tactical. Make him look, uh... Let's go with black.

Shut him down. image

Shut him down.

Raymond Sellars : What's bigger than a hero?
Rick Mattox : Dead hero.


Raymond Sellars : We need to give Americans a product they can love, a figure they can rally behind.
Liz Kline : Sir, I have dissected this bill. There are no loopholes. We can't put a machine on the streets.
Raymond Sellars : Forget machines. You saw the polls. Americans don't want a machine. They want a product with a conscience. They want something that knows what it feels like to be human. We're gonna put a man inside a machine.


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