Wade Wilson : George Michael was right. I'm never gonna dance again. Fuck! He's dead, too. At least we still have Bowie.Weasel : Yeah, we still...Weasel : ... have Bowie.
Read more Wade Wilson QuotesFrom: Deadpool 2
Deadpool : I don't speak Cantonese, Mr...Deadpool : Well, I'm not even going to attempt that. But I did take eighth grade Spanish, so donde esta la biblioteca? Which literally translates to: I don't bargain, pumpkin-fucker.
You killed Black Tom, you racist son of a bitch!
Cable : I was born into war, bred into it. People think they understand pain, but they have no concept of it. What's the most pain you've ever felt? Maybe the kind that leaves you more machine than man.Deadpool :Wait, no, STOP! What in the actual ass? Dale! Why, why are the visual effects not done? It's a metal arm! It's not like we're trying to remove a mustache! Oh fuck it, I'll do it myself...