Thank you for taking care of my bride, peasants.
Read more Prince Edward QuotesFrom: Enchanted
Nathaniel likes the way I leap?
Queen Narissa : Why would I ever align myself with that buffoon? I mean, think about it. Why...?Prince Edward : Silence! You lying, murderous wretch! When we return home, Andalasia shall know of your treachery. Your days as queen will be over!Queen Narissa : Take my crown? Don't you think that's a bit melodramatic, dear?Prince Edward : I don't know what "melodramatic" means, but you'll be removed from the throne, Narissa. I will see to it.
Morgan Philip : But I think she might be a real princess!Robert Philip : Morgan honey, just because she has on a funny dress doesn't mean she's a princess. She's a seriously confused woman who's fallen into our laps.