Remember that game, Barrel of Monkeys? This is how it is: we got to catch all the monkeys!
Iron Man 3 Plane Rescue Scene Full HD
Read more Tony Stark QuotesFrom: Iron Man 3
Happy Hogan: You know, look... I got a real job. What do you want? I'm working. I've got something going on, here.Tony Stark: What, harassing interns?Happy Hogan: Let me tell you something. Do you know what happened when I told everyone I was Iron Man's bodyguard? They would laugh in my face. I had to leave while I still had a shred of dignity. Now I got a real job. I'm watching Pepper.
Tony Stark: Think about it. Six dead. Only five shadows.Harley Keener: Yeah, people said these shadows are like the marks of souls going to heaven. Except the bomb guy. He went to hell, on account of he didn't get a shadow. That's why there's only five.Tony Stark: You buy that?Harley Keener: It's what everyone says.
You know, it's moments like these when I realize how much of a superhero I am. [suits up]